Multiple Currencies

You can use multiple currencies with Help Center Home. Typically, you use a reporting currency for centralized administration and financial reporting, and one or more local currencies for operations and staff compensation in different geographies. The reporting currency for your organization is assigned exchange rate 1. You must define exchange rates for all currencies that you use.

Switch between currencies

  1. Open the Plan.
  2. Use the currency switch to toggle between the reporting currency and local currency.
    • Local currencies are displayed in bold.
    • Current Salary, Suggested amounts and Requested amounts include a currency code.
    • You can switch between local and reporting currency at any time throughout the planning process, to check that amounts are in line with local and corporate guidelines.
    • Amounts are stored in the Plan in reporting currency and converted to local currencies only when you select Local Currency.
Note Team budgets are displayed in reporting currency regardless of the position of the currency switch.