Configuration options

Configure page options

Screenshot: HR Request Finalize Time setting on the HCM package Configure page

Screenshot: HR Requests section on the HCM package Configure page

Setting Description
HR Request Finalize TIme

Picklist and Run Now button. The daily time on the 24 hour clock when employment change requests (HR Requests) are finalized. Finalization runs as a batch at the time you select. Before a request can be finalized, it must:

  • Have an Effective Date equal to today or in the past.
  • Have a Status equal to Approved.

Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the finalization batch to run.

To queue a finalization batch immediately, without waiting for the next scheduled batch run time, select Run Now.

To configure the number of requests processed per Finalize Batch – only used if you are experiencing timeout errors when processing large numbers of requests at one time - use the HR Requests Per Finalize Batch setting in the HR Requests section of the HCM Configure page.

HR Requests Per Finalize Batch

Number, maximum value = 200, default value = 200.

The number of HR Requests to process in each Finalize batch, defaults to 200. A batch size of 200 is likely to complete more quickly, but is also more likely lead to timeout errors, and can make it more complicated to identify where the issue is if the Finalize batch fails. If the batch fails, none of the requests included in it is finalized. If the batch size is 1, processing all the requests pending finalization can take longer than processing a larger batch size, but it is easier to identify an issue if the batch fails.

If you need to configure the batch size enter a value from 1 to less than 200, otherwise leave blank.

Policy options

Screenshot: Employment Details Changes section on a Policy page with two options

Option Description

HR Requests

Checkbox. If checked and an HR Request WX Process is active, the legacy HR Requests process is available for managers as a WX process when viewing a direct report's details.

If unchecked, the legacy HR Requests process is not available to managers.

Field sets

In the legacy HR Requests process, the fields to appear in HR Requests are controlled entirely by Field Sets.

HR Request object

Field Set Purpose

Additional Information

Fields displayed in all employment details change requests created using the legacy HR Requests WX Process and People Management Workflow.

  • For legacy HR Requests Process: Fields displayed for completion by the manager requesting the change in the WX New Employment Details Change View, at the bottom of the Details section.

    New Lookup fields added to the Additional Information field set display as picklists by default.

Combo Fields

Lookup fields displayed as combo boxes in the WX New Employment Details Change form to ease field completion and improve accuracy.

Lookup fields can be referenced from the Bonus, Employment Record, Salary, and Team Member objects.

Pick Lists

Fields displayed as picklists in the WX New Employment Details Change form to enable item selection.

Available fields include text fields for:

  • Basis

  • Employment Status

  • Grade

  • Job Title

  • Location

  • Period

  • Team

Lookup fields added to the Pick Lists Field Set do not display as picklists.

The HR Request Additional Information Field Set contains fields displayed at the bottom of the Details section of the WX New Employment Details Change page for legacy HR Requests.

By default, Lookup fields included in the Additional Information Field Set display as picklists. You can convert these fields to use combo box functionality by adding them to the HR Request Combo Box Field Set.

You can also display text fields included in the Additional Information Field Set as picklists - add the text field to the HR Request Pick Lists Field Set.

Team Member object

Field Set Purpose
WX HR Request

Fields displayed to a manager in the WX New Employment Details Change View, at the top of the Details section.

Fields from this Field Set are also displayed to a manager when initiating an approval from WX Actions.

Not used for People Management Workflow.

Employment Record object

Field Set Purpose
WX HR Request

Fields displayed to a manager in the WX New Employment Details Change View, in the Details section.

Fields from this Field Set are also displayed to a manager when initiating an approval from WX Actions.

Not used for People Management Workflow.

Salary object

Field Set Purpose
HR Request

Salary fields displayed to a manager in the WX New Employment Details Change View, in the Details section.

Fields from this Field Set are also displayed to a manager when initiating an approval from WX Actions.

Not used for People Management Workflow.

Bonus object

Field Set Purpose
HR Request

Bonus fields displayed to a manager in the WX New Employment Details Change View, in the Details section.

Fields from this Field Set are also displayed to a manager when initiating an approval from WX Actions.

Not used for People Management Workflow.

Field set fields on the legacy HR Requests details page

Annotated screenshot: Legacy Employment Details Change window in WX showing where each Field Set is used

Picklist values

For salary related HR Requests, on finalization a value selected from this picklist is copied to the Salary object Change Reason field if that picklist contains a matching value.

To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Default picklist values for the Reason field, HR Request object: 

  • Promotion

  • Job Change

  • Team Member Requested

  • Transfer

  • Cost of Living

  • Contract Change

Default picklist values for the Bonus Reason field, HR Request object: 

  • Performance

  • Commission

  • Special

Object fields

Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.

HR Request object (HCM)
Default field label Field type
Annual Multiplier Number (12,4)
Approved Date Date
Basis Text (80)
Bonus % Percent (5,2)
Bonus Amount Currency (16,2)
Bonus Reason Picklist
Currency Lookup (Exchange Rate)
Department Approver Lookup (User)
Effective Date Date
Employment End Date Date
Employment Record Master-Detail (Employment Record)
Employment Status Text (80)
Finalized Date Date
Grade Text (80)
Hours Worked (3,1)
HR Department Formula (Text)
Item To Change Text (255)
Job Lookup (Job Library Item)
Last Currency Recalculation Date/Time
Location Text (255)
Manager Lookup (User)
New Manager Lookup (Team Member)
New Value Name Text (255)
One Down Manager Lookup (User)
One Up Manager Lookup (User)
Period Text (80)
Rationale Long Text Area (32000)
Reason Picklist
Rejected Date Date
Salary Amount Currency (16,2)
Salary Amount Reporting Currency (16,2)
Salary Increase Formula (Currency)
Salary Increase % Percent (5,2)
Salary Increase Reporting Formula (Currency)
Status Formula (Text)
Submitted Date Date
Team Text (255)
Team Member Formula (Text)
Three Down Manager Lookup (User)
Top Manager Lookup (User)
Trigger Currency Recalculation Checkbox
Two Down Manager Lookup (User)
Two Up Manager Lookup (User)

Record types


Action events


When sent

Approve When an employment change request is approved by one of the designated approvers.


When an employment change request is edited by a manager.


When an employment change request is finalized by HR.


When an employment change request is created by a manager.


When an employment change request is recalled for amendment or cancelation.


When an employment change request is rejected by one of the designated approvers.


When an employment change request is finalized by HR.