Committing a Plan

You can commit an approved Plan.

  1. Select the Compensation Planning tab.
  2. Select the checkbox beside the Plan name.
  3. Select Commit and then select Commit to confirm.
    • The Plan status changes to Processing and then Committed.
    • Compensation Planning runs a batch to create new salary records and bonus records for all Team Members who have salary increases or bonus awards resulting from the Compensation Plan.
    • Compensation Planning sends an email to the Planner about any conflicts with future dated HR Requests or salary changes.

      If there are conflicts with future dated HR Requests or future dated salary awards, no new salary records are created for the affected Team Members and the Plan status for them changes to Failed. Salary records are created for Team Members without conflicts and the Plan status changes for these Team Members to Committed. The Plan as a whole becomes partially committed. When conflicts have been resolved you can re-commit the Plan by selecting Commit again. The Plan status then changes to Committed.

    • Commit may fail if there is an active Salesforce Process Builder rule or workflow targeting Team Member salary records and preventing creation of new salary records. In this case, reschedule or deactivate the Process Builder rule or workflow and attempt to Commit the Plan again.
    • Compensation Planning sends an email to the Planner about new salary records and their effective dates.