U.S. Tax Forms: overview

The Sage People US Tax Forms package enables you to supply U.S. tax form data in the format required by the tax authorities.

Tax Form data entered by employees in Sage People WX and held in your Sage People org is supplied to third party specialist Symmetry Software (Payroll Forms) for formatting and return as completed forms in pdf format. Completed forms are held as files attached to the Team Member record and displayed in WX through the WX Tax Forms process. On receipt of a new form, Sage People Payroll is automatically notified and the form listed under the Payroll Employee Details, Tax Details tab.

Data required by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, and the E-Verify service provided by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can be supplied direct to the current service provider, Equifax. Your organization must be registered with Equifax to use the I-9 HQ service; to use the service if you are not registered contact Sage People Support.

Sage People US Tax Forms is available in a separate package, with access permissions managed through Permission Sets.