Creating a new Internal Communication

You can display up to 20 internal communications in the carousel. To add a new internal communication:

  1. Select the Internal Communications tab.

    Sage People displays the Internal Communications Home page.

  2. Select New.

    Sage People displays the Internal Communication page:

    Screenshot: New Internal Communication page, Basic Options tab

    You can complete:

    • Just the Basic Options and save. The Internal Communication is displayed by default to everyone who has access to the hosting WX Service.
    • The Basic Options and the Advanced Options to define a more restricted target audience.
  3. On the Basic Options tab, give a name to the Internal Communication: 

    Field What to enter
    Internal Communication Name

    The name you want to use for this Internal Communication. Not displayed to end users through WX. The title that appears to users in WX is the process label for this internal communication.

    You can use letters, numbers, and spaces, special characters are not supported.

  4. On the Basic Options tab, complete the fields in the Tile Information section to define the tile content. These options define how tiles are displayed in the carousel.

    Screenshot: internal communications tiles in the homepage carousel

    Field What to enter
    Tile Type

    The type of Tile you want to create for this Internal Communication. Select the picklist and choose from:

    • Image: displays an image in the tile that links to the detail page for the Internal Communication.

    • Image Click Through: displays an image in the tile that links to an external URL. Image Click Through tiles do not have a detail page.

    • YouTube: enables you to you to embed a YouTube video in the tile. The video plays in the tile by default. If you want users to click through to display the video, use the Image Click Through tile type.

    • Video: enables you to embed a video in the tile by including a direct link to the video URL.

    • Twitter: enables you to embed an X (formerly Twitter) feed in the tile by including the feed ID.

    • External Link: displays the link you enter as an icon within the external links component on the WX homepage. Unlike other Internal Communications tiles, this tile type does not appear separately on the homepage. External Links do not have a detail page.

    If the picklist does not display the full set of values, you can add them. In summary:

    1. Go to Setup > Object Manager

    2. Select Internal Communication.

    3. In the list of Custom Fields & Relationships select the Tile Type Field Label.
    4. In the Values Related List, select New.
    5. Add the missing values exactly as given.
    6. Select Save.
    External Website Url

    Displayed if you select Image Click Through or External Link as the Tile Type.

    For Image Click Through tiles, the URL is used as a hyperlink on the embedded image.

    For External Link tiles, the link is displayed using your selected icon in the external links component of the WX homepage.

    Enter the full URL of the web page, in the form:

    Website URLs are subject to your organization's access policy. Ensure your intended target audience is authorized to access the site you want to use.

    Video Url

    Displayed if you select Video as the Tile Type.

    Enter the full URL of the video you want to display in the tile, in the form:

    The video URL must use the HTTPS protocol.

    If you specify a video to run in the Internal Communication tile, be aware that some Team Members may navigate directly to the Detail view, bypassing the Tile. If the video is essential viewing, display it in the Detail view as well as, or in place of the Tile.

    Video URLs are subject to your organization's access policy - make sure your intended target audience is authorized to access the video you want to use.


    Displayed if you select Image or Image Click Through as the Tile Type.

    Button: Choose File

    Select Choose File, find and select the image you want.

    A preview of the image is displayed below Tile Image Aspect Ratio.

    Tile images display responsively, adapting to the browser window size you are viewing, and preserving the image aspect ratio.

    Tile Image Aspect Ratio

    Displayed if you select Image or Image Click Through as the Tile Type. Use to help you choose an image fitting the Tile size.

    Picklist. Select the picklist to display an aspect ratio mask over the image. The aspect ratios are those commonly used for images.

    The mask indicates how the image should be cropped for WX display at the aspect ratio selected. The mask covers the part of the image to be hidden. If your image shows significant masking, the Tile will include white space as it resizes.

    Sage People does not enable you to resize the image. Use image editing software to produce an image fitting the recommended aspect ratio of the Tile.

    Choose an Icon

    Displayed if you select External Link as the Tile Type.

    The icon that is displayed for the link in the external links component on WX homepages. Choose an icon for the link using the drop-down menu. Available icons are sorted in the list with generic icons displayed at the top of the list and brand icons at the bottom.

    Twitter ID

    Displayed if you select Twitter as the Tile Type.

    The unique X (formerly Twitter) ID for the account you want to link to this Internal Communication.

    Note On 30 June 2023, X (formerly Twitter) changed its terms of use for third-party access. Some customers may experience issues with embedded timelines when using the Twitter Internal Communication type. X feeds might not load as expected, and a message stating "Nothing to see here" might be displayed.
    Link Color

    Displayed if you select Twitter as the Tile Type.

    The hexadecimal (hex) code for the color you want to use for the Twitter link. Enter the code in the form:



    RR is the hex code for the red component of the color.

    GG is the hex code for the green component of the color.

    BB is the hex code for the blue component of the color.

    For example, royalblue is represented by:


    Dark Theme

    Displayed if you select Twitter as the Tile Type.

    Checkbox. If checked, the X (formerly Twitter) feed displays in dark mode.

    YouTube Video ID

    Displayed if you select YouTube as the Tile Type.

    The unique identifier for the YouTube video you want to link to this Internal Communication. Supplied by YouTube. The YouTube Video ID is displayed as the string of characters following the = sign towards the end of the URL for the video:

    YouTube URL with red rectangle highlighting the video ID

    If you specify a video to run in the Internal Communication Tile be aware some Team Members may navigate directly to the Detail view, bypassing the Tile. If the video is essential viewing, display it in the Detail view as well as, or in place of the Tile.

    Render Tile As Player

    Displayed if you select YouTube as the Tile Type.

    Checkbox. If checked, the YouTube video player is rendered within the Tile and users can play the video in the Tile, without having to access the Detail view. If unchecked, you must access the Detail view to play the video; you cannot play the video directly from the Tile view.

  5. On the Basic Options tab, complete the fields in the Detail Information section to configure a detail page for the communication. If you configure a detail page, users can click through from the tile to find more information.

    Screenshot: internal communications detail page

    These options define how the detail page for the communication is displayed, if you configure one:

    Field What to enter
    Detail Type

    The type of Detail page you want to create for this Internal Communication. Detail content is displayed when users select the tile.

    Select the picklist and choose from:

    • Rich Text: formatted text that can contain images and links.
    • Image: an image file that you can upload.
    • Image Click Through: an image that links to an external URL.
    • Video: an embedded video hosted on an external site, using the video's direct URL.
    • YouTube: an embedded YouTube video, using the video's unique identifier.
    • External Website: embeds content from an external URL that you specify.
    • Twitter: an embedded X (formerly Twitter) feed, using the X (formerly Twitter) ID.
    • HTML: renders HTML markup in the detail page.

    If the picklist does not display the full set of values, you can add them. In summary:

    1. Go to Setup > Object Manager.

    2. Select the Internal Communication object.
    3. In the list of Custom Fields & Relationships select the Detail Type Field Label.
    4. In the Values Related List, select New.
    5. Add the missing values exactly as given.
    6. Select Save.

    If you do not want to display a detail page for a tile, leave Detail Type at its default value and leave the content fields empty. The tile will not link to a detail page.

    Detail Content

    Displayed if you select Rich Text as the Detail Type.

    A text input field with standard formatting buttons:

    Rich Text editor formatting buttons for Internal Communications

    Enter the text you want to appear in the Detail view. You can also embed links and pictures:

    Image and link buttons for the Rich Text editor in Internal Communications

    If you want the Detail view to contain an image and no text, in Detail Type select Image or Image Click Through.

    External Website Url

    Displayed if you select External Website or Image Click Through as the Detail Type.

    • For External Website detail pages, the web page is embedded in an iframe in the detail page.

    • For Image Click Through detail pages, the URL is used as a hyperlink on the embedded image.

    Enter the full URL of the web page, in the form:

    Website URLs are subject to your organization's access policy. Ensure your intended target audience is authorized to access the site you want to use.

    When using an External Website detail page, the website must:

    • Allow display in an iframe. If it does not, a refused to connect message is displayed.
    • Use the HTTPS protocol.
    Video Url

    Displayed if you select Video as the Detail Type.

    Enter the full url of the video you want to display in the Detail in the form:

    The video URL must use the HTTPS protocol.

    If you specify a video to run in the Internal Communication tile, be aware that some Team Members may navigate directly to the Detail view, bypassing the Tile. If the video is essential viewing, display it in the Detail view as well as, or in place of the Tile.

    Video URLs are subject to your organization's access policy - make sure your intended target audience is authorized to access the video you want to use.


    Displayed if you select Image or Image Click Through as the Detail Type.

    Choose File button

    Select Choose File, find and select the image you want to use.

    A preview of the image is displayed below Detail Image Aspect Ratio.

    Detail Image Aspect Ratio

    Displayed if you select Image or Image Click Through as the Detail Type. Use to help you choose an image fitting the Detail View.

    Picklist. Select the picklist and choose the aspect ratio you want to use for the image on the Detail View. The aspect ratios are those commonly used for images.

    The page displays a mask on the image, indicating how the image should be cropped for WX display at the aspect ratio selected. The mask covers the part of the image to be hidden. If your image shows significant masking the Detail View will include white space as it resizes responsively.

    Sage People does not enable you to resize the image - use image manipulation software to produce an image fitting the aspect ratio of the Detail View.

    Twitter ID

    Displayed if you select Twitter as the Detail Type.

    The unique X (formerly Twitter) ID for the account you want to link to this Internal Communication.

    Note On 30 June 2023, X (formerly Twitter) changed its terms of use for third-party access. Some customers may experience issues with embedded timelines when using the Twitter Internal Communication type. X feeds might not load as expected, and a message stating "Nothing to see here" might be displayed.
    Link Color

    Displayed if you select Twitter as the Detail Type.

    The hexadecimal (hex) code for the color you want to use for the Twitter link. Enter the code in the form:



    RR is the hex code for the red component of the color.

    GG is the hex code for the green component of the color.

    BB is the hex code for the blue component of the color.

    For example, royalblue is represented by:


    Dark Theme

    Displayed if you select Twitter as the Detail Type.

    Checkbox. If checked, the X (formerly Twitter) feed displays in dark mode.

    YouTube Video ID

    Displayed if you select YouTube as the Detail Type.

    The unique identifier for the YouTube video you want to link to this Internal Communication. Supplied by YouTube. The YouTube Video ID is displayed as the string of characters following the = sign towards the end of the URL for the video:

    YouTube URL with red rectangle highlighting the video ID

    If you specify a video to run in the Internal Communication Tile be aware some Team Members may navigate directly to the Detail view, bypassing the Tile. If the video is essential viewing, display it in the Detail view as well as, or in place of the Tile.


    Displayed if you select HTML as the Detail Type.

    Enter the HTML you want to be rendered in the Detail View. You do not need to include <html>, <head>, or <body> tags.

    To avoid creating a potential security vulnerability, do not embed hyperlinks in your HTML - use the Rich Text or Image Click Through Detail Types instead.

    If your Detail View content is image only with no click through, use the Image Detail Type.

  6. On the Advanced Options tab, complete the fields in the Audience Definition section as follows: 

    Screenshot: New Internal Communication page, Advanced Options tab

    Field What to enter
    Team Member

    Target the communication to specific team members by entering the Team Member name and a Level Down setting and selecting Save. Repeat to add further team members.

    To look up team members, select Team Member Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup to search and select one Team Member at a time. To add another team member, select Save after each selection. As Team Members are added, their names appear under the field.

    Use with the Exclude Team Member setting to prevent the communication from being shown to the named team members.

    Enter a number in the Level Down field to define the number of reporting levels below the named team members to include (or exclude). You must enter a value in this field if you select named team members. To target the communication to specific employees and not their direct reports, enter 0.

    If you want more than 10 Team Members to receive this Internal Communication, Sage People recommends adding the Team Members to a Group and selecting the Group as the audience. For more information about Groups, see Setting up groups in the HR Manager portal.

    Exclude Team Member

    Checkbox. Use with Team Member. If checked, the selected team member(s) are unable to view this communication.

    Level Down

    Use with Team Member. The number of levels of the company hierarchy below Team Member you want to view (or exclude from) this communication.

    Required if the Team Member field is populated.

    Set to 0 (zero) if you want this Internal Communication to target the named team member(s) and not their direct reports.

    For example, to control visibility of the Internal Communication when Team Member is the CEO:

    • Level Down = 0

      Can be viewed exclusively by the CEO.

    • Level Down = 1

      Can be viewed by the CEO and the CEO's direct reports.

    • Level Down = 2

      Can be viewed by the CEO, their direct reports, and the direct reports of those direct reports.

    Is Manager

    Target the communication to managers only.

    Checkbox. If checked, the Internal Communication is only visible to those team members who have direct reports. When this option is selected, team members who do not have direct reports do not see the communication.

    Ensure that Show To Team Member in the Advanced Options tab also remains selected.


    Target the communication to employees in a specific policy or multiple policies.

    Enter the name of the policy or policies assigned to the Team Members you want to view this Internal Communication. Select Policy Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup, find and select one Policy at a time. When selecting more than one Policy, select Save after each selection to add the Policy. As Policies are added, their names appear to the right of the field.

    Leave blank if you don't want to define the target audience by their Policy.

    Policy Group

    Target the communication to employees in multiple policies, linked by Policy Group.

    Enter the name of the Policy Group or Groups assigned to the Team Members you want to view this Internal Communication. Enter the name of one Policy Group at a time. When adding more than one Policy Group, select Save after each entry to add the Policy Group. As Policy Groups are added, their names appear to the right of the field.

    Leave blank if you don't want to define the target audience by their Policy Group.


    Target the communication to a group of employees.

    The name of the Group(s) containing the Team Members you want to view this Internal Communication. Select Group Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup, find and select one Group at a time. When selecting more than one Group, select Save after each selection to add the Group. As Groups are added, their names appear to the right of the field.

    Leave blank if you do not want to select the target audience by Group.

    Group Type

    Target the communication to multiple employee groups, linked by group type.

    The name of the Group Type(s) containing the Team Members you want to view this Internal Communication. Select Group Type Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup, find and select one Group Type at a time. When selecting more than one Group Type, select Save after each selection to add the Group Type. As Group Types are added, their names appear to the right of the field.

    Leave blank if you do not want to select the target audience by Group Type.

    Employment Start Date

    Checkbox and dependent fields. If checked, you can select the target audience by their Employment Start Dates. Use one of the two options to specify a range:

    • A number of days ago.

      To specify a rolling window relative to today. Use positive values with the lowest value first. For example:

      • Between 1 and 7 days ago

        to target employees starting in the last week.

      • Between 7 and 14 days ago

        to target employees starting in the week before last.

    • A date range.

      To specify a fixed calendar period. Select the fields to display a calendar and choose a date. Enter the earliest date in the first field. For example:

      • Between 1 August 2017 and 31 August 2017

        to target all employees starting in the month of August 2017.

      • Between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016

        to target all employees starting in 2016.

    Employment End Date

    Checkbox and dependent fields. If checked, you can select the target audience by their Employment End Dates. Use one of the two options to specify a range:

    • A number of days in the future.

      To specify a rolling window relative to today. Use positive values with the lowest value first. For example:

      • Between 1 and 28 days in the future

        to target employees ending employment in the next four weeks..

      • Between 1 and 90 days in the future

        to target employees ending employment in the next three months.

    • A date range.

      To specify a fixed calendar period. Select the fields to display a calendar and choose a date. Enter the earliest date in the first field.

  7. Complete the fields in the Visibility Definition section as follows: 

    Field What to enter
    Show To Manager

    Not used.

    Tip To target a communication to managers only, select both Is Manager (under Audience Definition) and Show to Team Member.
    Show To Other

    Not used.

    Show To Team Member

    Checkbox. Checked by default. Must be checked for the Internal Communication to be visible to any team members (including managers) in WX. If you clear this checkbox, the communication is not displayed.

    Show On Mobile Only

    Checkbox. If checked, the Internal Communication is visible on the Sage People Mobile app only.

  8. On the Advanced Options tab, complete the fields in the Scoring Definition section as follows: 

    Field What to enter

    The Scale recipients of this Internal Communication use when providing scored feedback.

    Required to display a Score button on the Internal Communications Detail view; selecting Score on the Internal Communication displays the Review Internal Communication view with a picklist of the Scale values. If used, specify an existing scale in your organization's Scale Library. Scales typically include those used to measure proficiency, expertise, frequency, and agreement.

    To generate an Action for the Team Member to respond to this Internal Communication, use the Score Has Action checkbox on the WX Process Instance page.

  9. Select Save.

    Sage People displays the Internal Communication Detail page, with Related Lists for:

Next, assign the Internal Communication to a WX process.