Checking data requirements

In addition to the standard checks described here, check for any special requirements introduced by the latest enhancements.

Compensation Planning automatically checks to ensure your data meets a range of requirements. If a check fails, an error message is displayed so you can adjust your data. To avoid the need to make adjustments as a result of an error message, check your data before you run Compensation Planning:


Your plans can include:

  • Up to 11,000 (eleven thousand) team members in a salary plan or a bonus plan.

  • Up to 5,000 (five thousand) team members in a combined salary and bonus plan.

You cannot delete a plan with 10,000 (ten thousand) team members or more.

Team Members

  • Only Active Planners and Team Members can be included in a Plan.

    Check Employment Records for the status of the Active checkbox.

  • Team Members must not be defined as Has Left.

    Check Team Member records to ensure the status of Has Left is False.

  • Team Members must have a current, active Salary Record.

    Check the Salary History related list on Employment records for a Salary with:

    • Start Date of today or earlier.
    • An Annual Amount equal to or greater than zero.
    • A defined Currency.
    • A defined Annual Multiplier.


  • Your organization must have only one Team Member without an active Manager. This is typically the CEO.
  • Your organization must not have circular reporting relationships. A circular reporting relationship has one or more Team Members and their managers reporting to each other. For example, Team Member A is the manager of Team Member B, and Team Member B is the manager of Team Member A.
  • There must be one or more exchange rates defined for your organization, but there must be only one exchange rate with Rate set to 1.00 to define your organization's reporting currency. Compensation Planning supports multiple currencies for Team Member salaries.


To be included as a Planner, a Manager must have direct reports.