Basic data requirements

Team Member data to be sent to PlanSource is validated by Sage People before the data is sent for the first time. Subsequent data transfers for the same Team Member are not validated. Ensure your Team Member data meets the following requirements to avoid failing validation. An incomplete or inaccurate data set means no data for that Team Member is sent.

  • The Team Member must have a current Employment Record.

  • Team Member Home Address1 must be populated.

  • Team Member Home Address Postal Code must be populated. This field is used for the Team Member's home address zip code.

  • US State two letter abbreviation must be available in a field on the Team Member object. This is not a standard Sage People field and can be mapped from a custom field created for the purpose or from a standard field such as Home Address Region.

  • Team Member Current Salary must be populated, carry a value greater than zero, and have a Salary Start Date.

  • Team Member SSN (Social Security Number) must be populated.

In addition, check the default field mapping to ensure all fields to be mapped are populated with valid values.