Default field mapping between Sage People and PlanSource

Most of the data mapping between fields in Sage People and PlanSource is managed automatically. The following tables include the complete mapping between the systems, including custom mapping options to enable tailored configuration.

Fields are listed in alphabetical order by Sage People field name.

Team Member fields

Sage People field

PlanSource API field
fHCM2__Birth_Date__c birthdate
fHCM2__Email__c email
fHCM2__First_Name__c first_name
fHCM2__Gender__c gender
fHCM2__Home_Address_1__c address_1
fHCM2__Home_Address_2__c address_2
fHCM2__Home_Address_City__c city
fHCM2__Home_Address_Postal_Code__c zip_code
fHCM2__Home_Phone__c home_phone
fHCM2__Marital_Status__c marital_status
fHCM2__Social_Security_Number__c ssn
fHCM2__Surname__c last__name
fHCM2__User__c subscriber_code


Employment Record fields

Sage People field

PlanSource API field
fHCM2__Annual_Salary__c current_salary
fHCM2__Basis__c employment_level
fHCM2__Salary_Start_Date__c current_salary_effective_on
fHCM2__Start_Date__c hire_date
SgPpl__PlanSource_Payroll_Schedule__c org_payroll_id


Custom mapped fields

Sage People field

PlanSource API field
division division
location location
orgClass org_class
unionCode union_code
usStateCode state
udef1 udef_1
udef2 udef_2
udef3 udef_3
udef4 udef_4
udef5 udef_5
udef6 udef_6
udef7 udef_7
udef8 udef_8
udef9 udef_9
udef10 udef_10


Termination fields (Employment Record)

Sage People field

PlanSource API field
fHCM2__End_Date__c termination_date
SgPpl__US_Benefit_Termination_Reason__c termination_reason


Rehire fields (Employment Record)

Sage People field

PlanSource API field
fHCM2__Start_Date__c rehire_date


Deduction pull fields (data returned to Sage People from PlanSource)

Sage People field

PlanSource API field
fHCM2__Active__c (Employment Record object) current
fHCM2__Deduction_Code__c (Benefit object) plan_payroll_mapping_code
fHCM2__Employee__c (Benefit object) subscriber_premium
fHCM2__Employer_Contribution_Code__c (Benefit object) plan_partner_code_1
fHCM2__Employer_Cost__c (Benefit object) org_premium
fHCM2__End_Date__c (Employment Record object) termination_date
fHCM2__Life_Cover__c (Benefit object) volume
fHCM2__Plan__c (Benefit object) plan_name
fHCM2__Policy_Coverage__c (Benefit object) coverage_level
fHCM2__Start_Date__c (Benefit object) change_effective_date
SgPpl__PlanSource_Imputed_Income__c (Benefit object) imputed_income
SgPpl__PlanSource_Org_Imputed_Income__c (Benefit object) dp_org_imputed_income
SgPpl__PlanSource_Subscriber_Imputed_Income__c (Benefit object) dp_sub_imputed_income
RecordTypeId (Benefit object) plan_partner_code_2