Approving performance reviews in bulk

You can approve performance reviews in bulk in the HR Manager portal, rather than individually through your Items to Approve list view. To bulk approve, you need to update the record type of the Performance Review records to Approved. To do this, you can build a report, export it, make changes to the file, and import the changes with a data loader.

Create a report to view performance reviews requiring approval: 

  1. Go to the Reports tab.

  2. Select New Report.

  3. From the Category sidebar select All, and then search for performance in the report type search. Select the Performance Reviews report type.

  4. Select Start Report.

  5. On the report builder page, select the Filters tab.

  6. For the Show Me filter, select All performance reviews and then select Apply.

  7. For the Action Date filter, ensure the filter is set to All Time.

  8. Select the Outline tab.

  9. Select the Add column field and search to add the following columns:

    • Performance Review: ID

    • Submitted Date

      This field is typically completed when the record enters the approval process.

    • Approved Date

    • Is Being Approved

      This field is typically completed when the record enters the approval process.

    • Performance Review: Record Type

  10. Select the Filters tab.

  11. Add a filter to display performance reviews with the record type of Draft only.

  12. Add a filter to display performance reviews for which Is Being Approved is true (checked).

  13. Refresh the report preview to verify you see the records you expect to see. If not, adjust the filters.

  14. When you are satisfied with the report, run it.

  15. Export the report into a .csv file.

  16. In the exported file, make the following changes: 

    1. Add today's date into the Approved Date column for all records.

    2. Change the Record Type from Draft to Approved using the Record Type's ID.

      To find the ID, go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the Performance Review object. Select Record Types, and then select Approved.

      From the browser address bar, copy the alphanumeric string between the /RecordTypes/ and /view sections. For example, if the string in the browser address bar looks like /setup/ObjectManager/01I8d000002dThq/RecordTypes/0128d000001TYW1AAO/view, copy 0128d000001TYW1AAO. Paste the copied string in the Record Type column in your report export.

    3. Change the Is Being Approved flag to false by changing the 1s to 0s.

    4. Remove the Performance Review: Performance Review # column.

  17. Save the updated report.

You can now use a data loader to import your changes. The following steps use

  1. In, select New Task > Import.

  2. On the 1. Connection & Object screen:

    1. for Operation, select Update.

    2. for Object, select Performance Review (fHCM2__Performance_Review__c).

  3. Select Next.

  4. On the 2. File screen, select Upload CSV and choose the report you exported and edited.

  5. On the 3. Mapping screen, review the field mappings proposed by and add mappings where required. The ID field and the Record Type field are likely to require mapping: 

    1. Map Performance Review: ID to Record ID

    2. Map Performance Review: Record Type to Record Type ID

  6. Select Next.

  7. On the 4. Run screen, review details of your import and select Save & Run. When prompted to confirm, select Run.

After the data loader job has completed, the performance reviews are approved and can be revealed to Team Members by managers.