Closing multiple objectives in the HR Manager portal


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Performance management processes in Sage People expect Team Members and their managers to close objectives when the goals described in the objectives are reached or the objectives are no longer relevant. For many kinds of reasons, this does not always happen timely or at all.

As an HR Manager wanting to maintain relevant objectives only, you can close multiple objectives in one action. The method to use depends on which kinds of objectives your organization uses: 

Closing Objectives in bulk

To close objectives, you need to change the Record Type to Closed. You need to use a data loader for this task, such as

Follow these steps:

  1. Identify which Objective (fHCM2__Objective__c) fields you want to update, for example:

    • Achievement

    • Progress

    • Record Type ID


    The value of the Status field is determined by the Record Type so you do not need to include it.

  2. Find the Record ID for the Closed Record Type.

  3. Using the data loader, export the objectives you want to close. For example, objectives with End Dates in the past performance period, where the Record Type ID does not match the ID of the Closed Record Type.

    Make sure you include the Objective's Record ID in the export.

  4. In the exported CSV file, update the records. For example:

    Column Example values
    Achievement 100
    Progress Closed: Achieved
    Record Type ID The Record Type ID of the Closed Record Type, for example: 0128d000001TYW5AAO
  5. Save the updated CSV file.

  6. Using the data loader, import the CSV file with your updates.
  7. Check the imported records.

Closing Enhanced Objectives in bulk

You can close Enhanced Objectives in bulk by creating a tab for listing them and then using inline editing in the list view to change the Status to Closed.

Follow these steps:

  1. To create a tab, go to Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Tabs.

  2. On the Custom Tabs page, select New.

  3. For Step 1. Enter the Details complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description


    Select Enhanced Objective.

    Tab Style Select Tab Style lookup and choose a tab style with an icon.

    Text box.

    Enter a short description about the purpose of the tab.

  4. Select Next.

  5. In Step 2. Add to Profiles, select the security profiles in your org for the users you want to be able to see this tab, and then select Next.

  6. In Step 3. Add to Custom Apps, clear the Include Tab checkbox in the table header and then select Sage People - HCM.

  7. If you want to add the tab to users who have personalized their tab bars, leave "Append to tab to users' existing personal customizations" checked. If not, clear it.

  8. Select Save.

  9. Select the App Launcher, and then search for and select Enhanced Objectives.

    Sage People displays the Enhanced Objectives tab.

  10. Next, create a new list view following steps in Creating a new list view.

    For making it easy to close enhanced objectives, fields you want to display and filter on could include: 

    • End Date

    • Status

  11. To change objective status, select the checkboxes next to objectives you want to update.

  12. In the Status column, select the inline editing pen icon:

    Screenshot: Selecting the inline editing pen icon

  13. Select the Update <number> selected items checkbox.

  14. Update the value to Closed and select Apply.

  15. Select Save.

    Sage People redisplays the list view. If you filtered by the Active status, the enhanced objectives you just closed disappear from the list view.

  16. The Closed Date is a Date/Time field, which are not available for inline editing in a list view. To update the Closed Date for the objectives you closed, create a list view filtered to enhanced objectives with the status of Closed and a blank Closed Date.

    From the list view, select each objective and enter today's day as the Closed Date, and save.