Which objectives?

Sage People currently has two different types of objectives: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. In your organization's performance management process, they could be called goals, or objectives and key results (OKRs), or something else entirely.

Both kinds of Sage People objectives:

  • enable employees and their managers to set goals and track their progress with reviews.

  • support additional custom fields.

  • have a set of Action Events available to notify team members or managers about changes to the objective.

The following comparison highlights the key differences between objectives and enhanced objectives: 


Screenshot: Objectives in WX

  • have their own WX process

  • are also displayed in the Performance Overview process

  • have restrictions for the format of values in the Progress picklist

  • have Policy options for how team members and managers can edit and delete

  • approvals are captured in the Objective Approval History object

  • can have associated milestones

  • have record types associated with different states, enabling a different combination of fields to be displayed in different situations

Enhanced Objectives

Screenshot: Enhanced objectives

  • are part of the Performance Management app and WX process, with Conversations and Feedback

  • can have an entirely custom set of values in the Progress picklist

  • have no default limitations on team members editing or closing their own objectives

  • can have associated tasks

  • can be aligned with other employees' and managers' enhanced objectives

  • can be created for groups