Examples: Performance cycles

Example: Performance Cycle with Formal Review

The example below depicts a basic performance cycle with Objectives, Continuous Feedback and Performance Reviews.

In the example, Objectives are created at the start of the cycle. During the cycle, Team Member and Manager regularly review Objectives and add Continuous Feedback. At the end of the cycle Team Member and Manager complete Performance Review.

Colleagues have the opportunity to add Recognition for Team Members. The next cycle continues in the same pattern.

Diagram: Performance cycle example with formal Performance Reviews

Example: Performance Cycle with Objectives, Feedback, Skills and Competency Assessments

The example below shows a performance cycle where Team Members record their Skills and add Objectives to start the process. Team Member and Manager frequently review Objectives and add Continuous Feedback. Team Members update their skills periodically. At suitable intervals, the Team Member, Manager, colleagues and potentially other contacts assess the Team Member's Competencies. The Competency Assessment may need to Skill updates and new Objectives, so the cycle continues with Objective reviews and Continuous Feedback.

Colleagues have the option to add Recognition at any time.

Diagram: Performance cycle with Objectives, Skills and Competency Assessments