The Data Load Detail page

The Data Load Detail page is displayed:

  • When you select Import in the File Details section of an upload page.
  • When you select a Data Load Batch Id link on the Data Loads home page.

Screenshot: Data load details page

The Data Load Detail page displays the following information and options:



Record Type

The type of data load:

  • Main Load

    A current data load for the Team Member, Employment Record, or Salary objects.

  • Object Load

    A history data load for a specific object.

Select Change Record Type to change the record type for this data load.

Data Load Batch Id

A unique identifier for the data load, created from a date and time stamp.

Start Time

The date and time (hh:mm) the data load started.

End Time

The date and time (hh:mm) the data load finished.

End Time is blank for data loads that are still in progress.


The current status of the data load:

  • Staging

    Locating source files and preparing the data for checking. Uploads waiting for Import display as Staging.

  • Checking

    Initial validation of the content of the source file in preparation for committing the data.

  • Committing

    Data has passed the initial validation performed at the Checking stage and Data Loader is attempting to write the data to the database.

  • Completed - Errors

    The data load has completed but was not successful. Errors are trapped in a separate text file and sent by email to the email address of the user running the upload. No data has been written to the database.

  • Completed

    The data load has completed successfully without error. All data has been written to the database.

  • Aborted

    The data load was aborted.

Created By

The name of the user creating the data load, and the date and time of creation.

The following details are displayed in the Options section and describe the options selected for the data load on the Team Member, Employment and Salary Combined Upload or Object Upload pages.

Field Description

Object Type

Displayed for Object Loads. The API name of the object to which this data load applies.

Import Type

The type of data load:

  • Insert

    Creating new records.

  • Update

    Modifying existing records.

  • Upsert

    Adding new records and modifying existing records.

Header Type

Not used. Headers are automatically set to API names.


The separator used between fields in the upload file.

Date Format

The date format used in the upload file.

Check Only

If checked, the data load validates the data but does not attempt to commit it to the database.

If unchecked, the data load will attempt to complete the data load to the database.

Select the Related tab to view the Notes & Attachments related list. The list contains the file you imported and if relevant, an ErrorList.txt file which details the errors encountered in the data load. Depending on your browser settings, you can preview or download the files to view them.

On the Data Load Details page you can:

  • Select Delete to remove this data load record.

  • Select Re Run to run this data load again.