Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: policy settings for Recruit

Option Description
Hiring Manager Is Active

Checkbox. If checked, Hiring Managers can see a list of their open Vacancies from Sage People Recruit in WX.

Select View Details for a Vacancy to display the fields in the Vacancy object, Hiring Manager List Field Set.

Selecting to view a Vacancy displays the fields in the Vacancy object, Hiring Manager Details Field Set.

Field sets

Application object (subset for Hiring Manager)
Field Set Purpose
Assess Stage Summary

Fields displayed at the top of the Stage Assessment page for the Hiring Manager in WX

Hiring Manager Vacancy Active List Fields in the list of active Applications on the Vacancy page for the Hiring Manager.
Job Offer Approval Fields displayed in the action view for the Hiring Manager in WX when approving Job Offer.
Start Details Fields entered during an assessment if the stage has the Enter Start Details checkbox checked.


Assessment object (subset for Hiring Manager)
Field Set Purpose
Hiring Manager Assessment Edit Fields displayed to a Hiring Manager on the Assessment page in WX.


Vacancy object (subset for Hiring Manager)
Field Set Purpose
Requisition Edit

Fields visible on the vacancy edit page before vacancy approval when using job requisition.

Hiring Manager Approval

Fields displayed to the Assigned Approver in the Vacancy approval process, typically the Authorizing Manager, when they view an Action from the Actions list to approve a Vacancy in WX.

Hiring Manager List Fields displayed to the Hiring Manager in the list of their Vacancies.
Hiring Manager Vacancy Table Fields displayed on the Hiring Manager Detail view, top level list of Vacancies.

Assess Stage Summary screen

Annotated screenshot: Field Set fields on the Stage Assessment page

Application object, Assess Stage Summary field set

Hiring Manager Vacancy Active List screen

Annotated screenshot: Field Sets on the Hiring Manager Vacancy Active List screen

Application object, Hiring Manager Active Vacancy List field set

Hiring Manager Assessment Edit screen

Annotated screenshot: Field Sets on the Hiring Manager Assessment Edit screen

Assessment object, Hiring Manager Assessment Edit field set

Requisition Edit screen

Annotated screenshot: Fields in Requisition Edit Field Set on the Requisition Edit page for a Hiring Manager

Vacancy object, Requisition Edit field set

Hiring Manager Approval screen

Annotated screenshot: Fields in the Hiring Manager Approval Field Set on the Hiring Manager Approval page

Vacancy object, Hiring Manager Approval field set

Hiring Manager vacancy list

Displayed on the Hiring Manager Detail View, Vacancy Details tab:

Annotated screenshot: Fields in the Hiring Manager List Field Set on a Vacancy Details page

Vacancy object, Hiring Manager List field set

Hiring Manager Vacancy table

Displayed on the Hiring Manager Detail View, top level Vacancy table:

Annotated screenshot: Fields in the Hiring Manager Vacancy Table Field Set on the top level Vacancies table

Vacancy object, Hiring Manager Vacancy Table field set

Job Offer Approval screen

The Hiring Manager Approve Job Offer view combines fields from three Field Sets:

Annotated screenshots: Fields from three Field Sets on Job Offer Approval screen

  • Application object, Job Offer Approval field set

  • Vacancy object, Job Offer Approval field set

  • Application object, Start Details field set

Picklist values


Object fields


Record types


Action events
