Link to help content: viewing your vacation and absence

New WX features

This release introduces the following new WX features:

Homepage updates (beta)

The new homepage design for WX is currently disabled by default, and must be manually enabled using the Updated WX Homepage setting on the HCM Configure page.

Important The new WX homepage will be enabled by default for all customers from release Y24.1. The legacy WX homepage will remain available for a short time by disabling the Updated WX Homepage setting. The legacy WX homepage will be deprecated in release Y24.2.

Time off overview

A new Time off overview component has been added to the updated homepage. The component displays a summary of the next public holiday date, upcoming time off, and the remaining balance for the default vacation type. The component also includes a link to the team member's time off process.

Screenshot: time off summary component

This component will appear on your WX homepages if:

  • The Updated WX Navigation and Updated WX Homepage settings are both enabled

  • The homepage service is designated as a Homepage in the Service Type setting. See New Service Type setting.

A new External links component has been added to the updated homepage. The component displays your external links alongside icons in a new section of the WX homepage. External links are displayed in the component according to the Order setting of the processes you add, using a link icon that you can select.

Screenshot: external links component

This component will appear on your WX homepages if:

  • The Updated WX Navigation and Updated WX Homepage settings are both enabled

  • You have Internal Communications processes assigned to the service that use the new Quick Link tile type. See How to add the Quick Link tile type.

Sage People has provided a comprehensive set of generic icons to use, as well as many common brand icons for third-party services such as Microsoft 365 and Google tools, ADP, Slack, Instagram, Facebook, and so on. Generic icons are displayed in your WX base color.

New Service Type setting

To support the new profile page feature, a new Service Type setting has been added to the New WX Service dialog:

Screenshot: new WX service type setting

This setting determines the type of service you want to create:

  • A Standard service appears as a menu item in WX and is used to host WX processes. This is the default setting.

  • A Profile service is used to host supported WX processes for the team member's profile page. Profile services always appear directly beneath the Actions menu item. If you have more than one service set as a Profile, only the first ordered service is used as a profile. Further profile services appear as standard services.

  • A Homepage service is used to create a landing page that hosts homepage components such as the Internal Communications carousel, time off summary, external links, and summary processes. Other types of process are not shown. We recommend you set your Homepage to appear as the first item in the navigation menu by setting its order to "1". If no service is set as a Homepage, the first standard service by order is used as the default WX homepage. If you have more than one service set as a Homepage, further homepage services appear later in the menu, beneath Actions, Profile, and My Team, according to their priority order.

Existing services will be set to None until you edit them. A service with a Service Type setting of None behaves as a Standard service. The default behavior of existing pages has not been changed.

My Profile page (beta)

A beta version of the new My Profile page has been added. The My Profile page is designed to enable team members to access their personal information quickly, and to switch between their processes to easily view, add, or update information. Designate one of your services as a Profile service, and add supported processes. Processes appear in the secondary side menu for the profile service, and are shown as a tabbed menu on the team member's profile page, along with the team member's photo and job title.

Screenshot: WX Profile page

Note Any HR noticeboards assigned to your profile service appear on all process tabs in the service.

The following processes are currently supported for use with a profile service. Additional processes will be supported in future releases.

  • Personal Details

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Work Details

These processes have also been updated to enable inline editing within the page, without opening a secondary edit dialog. Select Edit details to make changes.

Screenshot: edit personal details on the new profile page

We encourage organizations that have a small number of personal information processes to try the My Profile page beta and provide feedback. The profile page will be further developed in 2024, when additional updated processes will become available.


In the updated Work Details process introduced as part of Y23.4, it is not possible for team members to change their profile photo. An intuitive profile photo uploader will be added in the next release.

Custom label translations are not yet supported for processes under the My Profile menu.