Link to help content: viewing your vacation and absence

The WX homepage

The homepage is shown by default when you sign in to WX. The homepage displays any HR noticeboards or banners configured by your organization, and a carousel displaying internal communications.

Internal communications are messages configured by your HR team to convey important news, updates, and actions. Scroll the carousel to display additional communications. Depending on screen size, only the first few tiles are displayed by default. The carousel can display a total of 20 internal communication tiles.

Screenshot: WX homepage showing the internal communications carousel

Some internal communications have actions: you may be required to confirm you have read the information, complete a survey, or provide feedback. Some internal communications are hidden from the carousel when you have read the information.

Screenshot: internal communication tile awaiting actionScreenshot: confirm an internal communication on the detail page

Internal communication actions also appear on your Actions page.

Other homepage components

Beneath the internal communications carousel, additional widgets can display your time off overview, and any external links your HR team wants to make available.

Time off overview

The Time off overview component displays a summary of the next public holiday date, upcoming time off, and the remaining balance for your organization's default vacation type. The component also includes a link to your time off process.

Screenshot: time off summary component

The External links component displays your external links alongside icons, beneath the internal communications carousel. Links open in a new browser tab.

Screenshot: external links component

Community updates and summaries

Towards the bottom of the homepage, summary tiles and community updates are displayed. These tiles detail facts and figures about your organization, as well as current and upcoming events, such as anniversaries, new employees, and colleague recognition.

Screenshot: WX homepage showing showing count and carousel summaries

To view additional details for a carousel summary, select the arrow to open the detail page:

Screenshot: detail page for the New Faces carousel summary