View the C suite dashboards

The C suite dashboards are based on data from the entire organization, and are delivered separately from the team lead dashboards in WX.

Your administrator can provide the link to view the C suite dashboards.

To view the dashboards:

Go to the URL provided by your administrator, and log in to Sage People.

Sage People displays the dashboards:

Screenshot: C Suite dashboards

In the Filters section:

Screenshot: Global filters in a dashboard, displaying Country and Employment Type filters

  • Apply the Country filter to all cards and charts in the dashboard. You can use various operators to select the countries you want to include or exclude. The Country filter is based on the country of the Work Location selected in the Employment Record. A value of XXX is inserted for records with blank Work Location value.

  • Apply the Employment type filter to all cards and charts in the dashboard. You can use various operators to select the countries you want to include or exclude. The filter is based on the values of the Basis field in the Employment Record, with the No Type value inserted for any records with blank values.

On the title bar on the right, you can view the date and time when the dashboard data was refreshed, and switch between high contrast view on and off (the default is off):

Screenshot: Date and time when dashboards were last refreshed and high contrast button


This section provides brief descriptions of the cards and charts in the dashboards, what key fields are used, and how the figures are calculated to give you a basic idea what the data is. For more detailed information, see Workforce Insights | Dashboards, datasets and recipes in the Workforce Insights setup section.


All cards and charts in the Headcount section consider active employees only. Active employees are those whose employment start date is today or earlier, and for whom Has Left in the Team Member record is false.

The Headcount dashboard consists of the following cards and charts:

  • Headcount

    Displays the total count of active employees in the organization as a number.

  • FT equivalent

    Displays the number of employees as a full time equivalent (FTE) number. The FT equivalent chart counts all the hours worked by the total number of employees and translates it into full time equivalents (FTE).

  • Actual FT

    Displays the actual number of full time employees. If all employees work full time, Actual FT and FT equivalent are the same.

  • Headcount by type of employment

    Displays a donut chart with the proportion of different employment types in the headcount. Employment types are based on the values of the Basis field in the Employment Record. Records which do not have a value for Basis have a value of No Type inserted in the data recipe.

    On hover over a section of the chart, displays the employment type and the headcount for that type.

  • Headcount by country

    Plotted on a map, displays the headcount for each country in the organization. An employee's country is determined by the country of the Work Location linked to their employment record. If the country has no value, the data recipe inserts a value of XXX.

    On hover over a country on the map, displays the name and three-letter code of the country and the headcount for the country.


All cards and charts in the Tenure section consider active employees only. Active employees are those whose employment start date is today or earlier, and for whom Has Left in the Team Member record is false. If an active employee has more than one employment record, then all their employment records are considered.

The Tenure dashboard displays the following cards and charts: 

  • Average tenure

    Displays the average tenure length of currently active employees to date as a number of years.

  • Tenure by country

    Plotted on a map, displays the length of average tenure of currently active employees for a country in the organization. The chart uses the Country field in the Work Location object to determine an employee's country.

  • Tenure by type of employment

    Displays a bar chart with the length of average tenure for currently active employees in years for each type of employment in the organization. Employment types are based on the values of the Basis field in the Employment Record. Includes a line for average tenure length across the entire organization.

Organization design

The Organization design dashboard consists of the following cards and charts: 

  • Future starts

    Displays the number of employees who have been hired but whose employment start dates are in the future from today.

  • Future leavers

    Displays the number of employees who have employment end dates set and in the future from today.

  • Organization shape (by country)

    Displays a mirror bar chart, where the left bar chart displays the headcount number and the right bar chart the average salary for a country. Both charts consider active employees only: active employees are those whose employment start date is today or earlier, and for whom Has Left in the Team Member record is false. The charts use the Country field in the Work Location object to determine an employee's country. The average salary is based on the Annual Salary Reporting value in the Employment Record for each employee.

  • Organization shape (by type of employment)

    Displays a mirror bar chart, where the left bar chart displays the headcount number and the right bar chart the average salary for a type of employment. Both charts consider active employees only: active employees are those whose employment start date is today or earlier, and for whom Has Left in the Team Member record is false. Employment types are based on the values of the Basis field in the Employment Record.

View details for dashboards

The Headcount, Tenure, and Organization design dashboards display a View details button. Select View details to view the section's by country and by type of employment cards next to summary tables:

Screenshot: Details for the tenure dashboard in the C Suite dashboards

If you select an area of the dashboard, the table updates to display values for the selection.

Select Go Back to return to the main dashboard.