Object fields

Compensation Planning includes a number of objects with constituent fields. Fields are listed by object with:

  • Master Field Label. The label displayed in Compensation Planning unless you have entered an alternative using the Translation Workbench. Labels are used beside fields and as column headings in Plans.
  • Field Type. The type of field with any associated character limit.

Audit Trail object

Field Field Type
Action Picklist
Field Text (255)
Modified Value Text (50)
Previous Value Text (50)
Record_ID Text (50)
Request ID Text (255)
Root Plan ID Text (50)
Session ID Text (255)
SObject Text (50)

Budget Pot object

Field Field Type
Plan Master-Detail (Plan)
Requested Percentage Number (5,2)
Requested Total Currency (16 2)
Suggested Total Currency (16 2)
Total Amount Currency (16 2)
Type Text (64)

Compensation Planning configuration object

Held as a Custom Setting and not accessible through the Object Manager. As with the other Compensation Planning objects you can override field labels using the Translation Workbench.

Field Field Type
Base Salary Formula Text Area (255)
Bonus Eligibility Formula Text (255)
Bonus Exclusion Formula Text (255)
Bonus Projection Formula Text Area (255)
Salary Exclusion Formula Text (255)
Salary Increase Eligibility Formula Text (255)
Salary Projection Formulas Text Area (255)

Employee Plan object

Replaced the Team Member Plan object from Compensation Planning version 4.18.

Field Field Type
Amount Currency (16,2)
Authorized Amt Currency (16,2)
Currency Code Text (3)
Current Status Text (64)
Effective Date Date
Is Eligible Checkbox
Plan Lookup (Plan)
Reason Text (255)
Requested Amount Currency (16,2)
Requested Percentage Percent (5,2)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
Type Text (64)

Employee Plan Comment object

Replaced the Comment object from Compensation Planning version 4.18.

Field Field Type
Comment Long Text Area (32768)
Employee Plan Master-Detail (Employee Plan)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)

Plan object

Field Field Type
Approved Date Date
Bonus Formula Text (64)
End Date Date
Formula Projection Text (64)
Parent Lookup (Plan)
Plan Name Text (80)
Planner Lookup (Team Member)
Refresh Date Date/Time
Reporting Currency Code Text (3)
Start Date Date
Status Text (64)
Template Lookup (Template Library Item)

Planner object

Field Field Type
Active Checkbox
Plan Master-Detail (Plan)
Plan Type Text (64)
Planner Name Auto Number
Team Member Master-Detail (Team Member)

Plan Type object

Field Field Type
Base Salary Formula Text (64)
Edit Effective Date Checkbox
Edit Reason Checkbox
Effective Date Date
Eligibility Formula Text (64)
Exclusion Formula Text (64)
Plan Master-Detail (Plan)
Plan Type Name Text (80)
Reason Text (255)
Type Text (64)