Custom labels used by Compensation Planning

Compensation Planning makes extensive use of Custom Labels to simplify customization and enable you to meet the needs of your organization. To change the text you see, change the value of the corresponding Custom Label.

The table lists Custom Labels in alphabetical order by name.



Access Denied You do not have permission to access the requested resource.
Add Comment Add Comment
Add Four Weeks 4 weeks
Add Two Weeks 2 weeks
All Managers PreSelected By default, all Managers are preselected as Planners.
Annual Salary Annual Salary
Apply Filter Label Apply
Approve Plan Approve
Approve Plan List Empty The Approve list is empty. You must include at least one Plan in an Approve request.
Approve Plans Description Are you sure you want to approve the plans?
Approve Plans Title Approve Plans
Available Fields Available Fields
Available Managers Available Managers
Balance Balance
Balance Percentage Balance %
Base Salary Formula Bonus Calculation Label Bonusable Salary
Base Salary Header Base Salary
Base Salary Not Exist The Base Salary Formula {0} you selected does not exist on the Employment Record object. Check the API Name you entered on the Configure page is correct.
Batch Details Header Batch Details
Batch Error Cause Cause: {0}
Batch Error Message Message: {0}
Batch Error StackTrace StackTrace: {0}
Bonus Bonus
Bonus Base Salary Header Bonus Base Salary
Bonus Base Salary Not Populated Save failed: the Base Salary Formula field is blank for the Plan: {0}. Ensure Base Salary is populated before trying to Save again.
Bonus Base Salary Tooltip Select Annual Salary or the formula you want to use to calculate the value of the Bonus.
Bonus Comments Bonus Comments
Bonus Currency Required Some Team Members do not have Bonus currency: {0}. Bonus currency is required to enable the planning process.
Bonus Edit Reason Error Bonus reason cannot be edited by planners.
Bonus Eligibilities Header Bonus Eligibility
Bonus Eligibility Formula Label Bonus Eligibility Formulas
Bonus Exclusion Formula Label Bonus Exclusion Formulas
Bonus Exclusion Helper Message Team member is excluded from bonus.
Bonus Exclusions Header Bonus Exclusion
Bonus Formula Empty You must specify at least one bonus formula. Use Compensation Planning configuration to provide links to the formula field(s) you have defined.
Bonus Formula Label Bonus Projection Formulas
Bonus Ineligible Helper Message Team member is not eligible for a bonus.
Bonus Lower Case bonus
Bonus Projection Formula API Name API Name
Bonus Setup Block Header Bonus Formula Setup
Budget Over Over
Budget Requested Requested
Budget Under Under
Button Back Back
Button Delete Delete
Button Ready to Plan Ready to Plan
Button Run Now Run Now
Change History Requested Amount Requested Amount
Change History Requested Percentage Requested Percentage
Change History Update Update
Change Reason Compensation Planning Compensation Planning
Choose Columns Choose Columns
Choose Columns Description Use the checkboxes to select or deselect the columns you want to display.
Circular Reporting Error This failure can be caused by circular reporting relationships between one or more Team Members and their managers – a Team Member and manager both report to each other. If you need help fixing this issue please contact Sage People Support.
Clone Plan Clone
Clone Plan Failure There was an error when cloning the Plan – please try again
Clone Plans Description Are you sure you want to clone the plan?
Clone Plans Title Clone
Comment Comment
Comment Cancel Cancel
Comment Created Message Comment Created
Comment Required You must enter a comment before submitting.
Comment Submit Submit
Comments Header Comments
Commit Plan Commit
Commit Plan List Empty The Commit list is empty. You must include at least one Plan in a Commit request.
Commit Plans Description Are you sure you want to commit the plans?
Commit Plans Title Commit Plans
Compensation Plan Compensation Plan
Compensation Plan Formula Now In Use The associated eligibility formula is automatically selected.
Compensation Plan Type Compensation Plan Type
Compensation Plan Type Bonus Bonus Planning
Compensation Plan Type Salary Salary Planning
Compensation Planning Compensation Planning
Compensation Planning Action Description {0} to be completed by {1}
Compensation Type Empty Please select a Compensation Plan type.
Compensation Type Invalid Please select a valid Compensation Plan type. {0} is not supported.
Configure Page Title Configure
CP Admin Description Home
CP Admin Title Compensation Planning
CP Setup Description Setup
CP Summary Description Summary
CP Wx Description List of Plans
CP Wx Plan Details Plan Details
Create Salary Batch Create Salary Batch
Currency Required One or more Team Members have a Salary with no Currency recorded. Currency is required to enable the planning process.
Current Annual Salary Current Annual Salary
Current Salary Current Salary
Current Salary Team Total Current Salary Team Total
Date Bad Format Please enter a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
Date Invalid Please enter a valid date.
Delete Formulas Error You cannot delete the following {0}: {1}. One or more selected Formulas are used by one or more Draft, Ready or In Progress Plans. No Formulas were deleted.
Delete Plan Delete
Delete Plan Error Unable to delete the Plan. Check if the Plan has already been deleted.
Delete Plan Success {0} has been deleted.
Delete Plan Title Delete Plan
Delete Plans Title Delete Plans
Delete Plans Title Description Warning! Are you sure? Deleting Plans also deletes all the planning data they contain. You cannot restore deleted Plans.
Edit Effective Date Allow Planners to edit effective date in Planning Worksheet
Edit Effective Date Label Yes
Edit Salary Reason Allow Planners to edit the salary change reason in Planning Worksheet
Effective Date Effective Date
Effective Date Locked The Effective Date of this Plan cannot be changed.
Eligibility Not Exist The Eligibility Formula {0} you selected does not exist on the Employment Record object. Check the API Name you entered on the Configure page is correct.
End Date Later Than Start Date The End Date must be later than the Start Date.
End Date Must Be In Future The End Date must be after today.
End Date Null The End Date must not be empty or null.
Equal To Equal To
Exchange Rate Not Valid Your Organization has one or more Exchange Rates defined with no value or an invalid value for the Currency Code or the Rate. Please check [{0}]
Exclusion Formula Label Salary Exclusion Formulas
Exclusion Message Excluded
Exclusion Not Exist The Exclusion Formula {0} you selected does not exist on the Employment Record object. Check the API Name you entered on the Configure page is correct.
Existing Plan Error Incorrect method. Use PUT to update the Plan.
Field Data Type Boolean Boolean
Field Data Type Currency Number Currency or Number
Field Data Type Mismatch You are trying to save the formula to a field defined with the wrong Data Type. The Data Type of the {0} field must be {1}
Filter Annual Salary Amount Filter by Annual Salary (reporting currency)
Filter Current Salary Filter by Current Salary (reporting currency)
Filter Placeholder Filter
Filter Requested Bonus Amount Filter by Requested Bonus (reporting currency)
Filter Requested Bonus Percentage Filter by Requested Bonus %
Filter Requested Salary Amount Filter by Requested Salary (reporting currency)
Filter Requested Salary Percentage Filter by Requested Salary %
Filter Suggested Bonus Amount Filter by Suggested Bonus (reporting currency)
Filter Suggested Bonus Percentage Filter by Suggested Bonus %
Filter Suggested Salary Amount Filter by Suggested Salary (reporting currency)
Filter Suggested Salary Percentage Filter by Suggested Salary %
Final Plan (Final Plan)
Formula API Name API Name
Formula Field Not Matching With Employment Fields Field does not exist in Employment record: {0}
Formula Fields Not Unique Each salary formula must be unique and each bonus formula must be unique. You can use the same formula in a salary field and a bonus field.
Formula Heading Formula
Formula Not Configured The formula {0} you selected no longer exists on the Compensation Planning Configure page. Contact your HR administrator.
Formula Not Exist The formula {0} you selected no longer exists in Sage People. Contact your HR administrator.
Formula Projection Not Matching With Employment Fields One or more of the formula names you entered does not match a Custom Field Label in the Employment Record. Please check your entries. Ensure entries are separated by line breaks.
Formula Summary Heading Formula Summary
Formulae Header Formulas
Greater Than Greater than
Greater Than Or Equal Greater than OR Equal to
Ineligible Message Not eligible
Invalid Currency Code You have requested an invalid currency code.
Invalid Effective Date Invalid Effective Date
JSON Invalid The serialized JSON could not be deserialized.
Last Paid Bonus Last Paid Bonus
Last Refreshed Last Refreshed
Less Than Less than
Less Than Or Equal Less than OR Equal to
Local Currency Local Currency
Managers Managers
Modal Cancel Changes Cancel Text No
Modal Cancel Confirm Text Yes
Modal Cancel Changes Description Are you sure you want to cancel all changes to this Plan?
Modal Cancel Changes Title Cancel Changes
Modal Delete Plan Cancel Text No
Modal Delete Plan Confirm Text Yes
Modal Delete Plan Description Are you sure you want to delete the current plan?
Modal Delete Plan Title Delete Plan
Model Invalid Unable to process this request. Check for NULL values
Modal Ready to Plan Cancel Text Cancel
Modal Ready to Plan Confirm Text Ready to Plan
Modal Ready to Plan Description Are you sure you want make this Plan available to Planners? The Plan becomes read-only.
Modal Ready to Plan Title Ready to Plan
Months Since Last Paid Bonus Months Since Last Paid Bonus
Navigation Details Details
Navigation Select Fields Fields
Navigation Select Planners Planners
Navigation Select Projections Select Projections
New Plan New
No Active Manager One or more Team Members have a Manager whose employment is not active. Please assign these Team Members to another Manager.
No Eligibility Formula Configure You have no Eligibility formula configured. Define formulas as fields on the Employment Record and link to Plans on the Compensation Planning Configure page.
No Exclusion Formula Configure You have no Exclusion formula configured. Define formulas as fields on the Employment Record and link to Plans on the Compensation Planning Configure page.
No Plan Available No Plans are available
No Plan Name You must enter a Plan Name
No Plan Type Selected You must select at least one Plan Type.
Non Submitted Permission You do not have permission to submit this plan.
Not Edit Permission You do not have permission to edit this {0}. Contact your Sage People administrator.
Not Reporting Currency Your Organization has no defined reporting currency. Please define a currency with an Exchange Rate of 1.
Not Set Not Set
Not Setup Plan The request specifies a Child Plan ID. You must supply the Root Plan ID.
Not Unique Main TeamMember Your Organization has either no-one, or more than one Team Member without a manager. One and only one Team Member, typically the CEO, can be without a manager.
Numeric Filter Validation Message Enter a number with no thousands separators. Use a decimal point when entering a fractional value.
Pay Basis Pay Basis
Plan Annual Salary Total Total Annual Salary
Plan Cloned Success!
Plan Committed Email Body Your {0} plan has been committed.
Plan Committed Email Body Bonus New Bonus records are being created and will apply from their effective dates for the following team members:
Plan Committed Email Body Salary New Salary records are being created and will apply from their effective dates for the following team members:
Plan Committed Email Subject Plan Committed
Plan Details Info Header Information
Plan End Date End Date
Plan End Date Required You must enter an End Date.
Plan Fields Header Plan Fields
Plan Id Invalid Plan ID is invalid. Check the syntax.
Plan List Header End Date End Date
Plan List Header Plan Name Plan Name
Plan List Header Start Date Start Date
Plan List Header Status Status
Plan Name Plan Name
Plan Name Duplicated The Plan Name you entered already exists – Plan names must be unique. Please enter a new Name.
Plan Name Empty You have not entered a Plan Name. Please enter a unique Name for this Plan.
Plan Not Exist The Plan does not exist in the database.
Plan Ready Batch Plan Ready Batch
Plan Ready Batch Error Email Intro The {0} has failed for the {1} Plan. The {1} Plan has been reset to Draft status.
Plan Start Date Start Date
Plan Start Date Required You must enter a Start Date.
PlanStatus Status
Plan Submitted Your Plan has been successfully submitted.
Plan Summary Details Details
Plan Type Not Valid Plan type not valid
Planner Not Active Error The Planner {0} with {1} policy is inactive, please remove them from the selected list.
Planner Not Included Error The Planner {0} with {1} policy is excluded using the {2}, please remove them from the selected list.
Planner With Excluded Direct Reports Error The Planner {0} with {1} policy does not have direct reports as they are all excluded from {2}, please remove them from the list of selected planners for {2}.
Planner Without Direct Report Error The Planner {0} with {1} policy no longer has direct reports and must be removed from the list of selected planners.
Planners Header Planners
Planning Worksheet Bonus Salary Salary
Planning Worksheet EMP Fields Employment Record fields to display in Planning Worksheet
Planning Worksheet Fields All Fields to display in Planning Worksheet
Planning Worksheet TM Fields Team Member fields to display in Planning Worksheet
Policies Empty This Organization has no Policies with assigned Managers.
Policy Id Invalid Policy ID is invalid. Check the syntax.
Policy Without Managers The Policy you selected is not assigned to any managers with direct reports. Please select another Policy.
Projection Formula Does Not Exist Anymore The Formula {0} you selected doesn’t exist in the database. Select a different Formula.
Projection Formula Empty You must specify at least one {0} projection formula. Use Compensation Planning configuration to provide links to the formula field(s) you have defined.
Projection Formula Missing From Configuration Page Formula {0} exists in the database but is not linked to Compensation Planning. Add the Formula to Compensation Planning configuration to make it available.
Projection Formulae Header Projection Formulas
Projection Not Exist The Projection Formula {0} does not exist. Return to the Plan and select an alternative.
Query Not Result Object not found
Refresh Batch Changed Sub Budgets Changes were made to your team budget or to the budget of these Planners on your team.
Refresh Batch Error Email Intro The {0} has failed for the {1} Plan. No changes have been made to the {1} Plan and the Plan status is unchanged.
Refresh Batch New Projection Formula Your Compensation Planning Administrator has refreshed your Plan {0}. The suggested salary for each of your direct reports may have changed. Please check your Plan to see if further changes are needed. If you have already submitted your Plan, you will need to resubmit it after your changes.
Refresh Batch Notification Please review your Compensation Plan
Refresh Batch Team Member Changes Changes were made to these Team Members.
Refresh Plan Batch Refresh Plan Batch
Reporting Currency Reporting Currency
Reporting Currency Amount Placeholder --
Requested Annual Salary Requested Annual Salary
Requested Percentage Requested Salary %
Requested Salary Requested Salary
Requested Team Increase Requested Team Increase
Requested Team Percentage Requested Team %
Requested Team Total Requested Team Salary
Reset Filter Label Reset
Salary Salary
Salary Comments Salary Comments
Salary Conflict Email Intro Conflicts were detected between Compensation Planning output and other future-dated salary awards or pending HR Requests. No new Salary Records were created for Team Members with conflicts.
Salary Conflict Email Outro Please investigate and resolve conflicts as necessary, then re-run the batch to commit the changes.
Salary Conflict Email Pending HR Requests The following Team Members have pending HR Requests affecting their salary:
Salary Conflict Email Pending Salaries The following Team Members have future-dated Salary Records:
Salary Conflict Email Subject Conflicts were detected between Compensation Planning output and other future-dated salary awards or pending HR Requests. No new Salary Records were created for Team Members with conflicts.
Salary Error Email Intro Not Records Inserted The {0} has failed for the {1} Plan. No salaries have been changed and the {1} Plan has been reset to Approved status.
Salary Error Email Intro Records Inserted The {0} has failed for the {1} Plan. Some salaries have been changed and the {1} Plan has been set to Partially Committed status.
Salary Eligibilities Header Salary Eligibility
Salary Eligibility Formula Label Salary Eligibility Formulas
Salary Exclusion Helper Message Team member is excluded from salary.
Salary Exclusions Header Salary Exclusion
Salary Ineligible Helper Message Team member is not eligible for a salary.
Salary Lower Case salary
Salary Projection Formula Projection Formula
Salary Projection Formula API Name API Name
Salary Projection Formula Does Not Exist Anymore The Formula you selected doesn’t exist in the database. Select a different Formula.
Salary Projection Formula Empty You must specify at least one salary projection formula. Use Compensation Planning configuration to provide links to the formula field(s) you have defined.
Salary Projection Formula Label Salary Projection Formulas
Salary Projection Formula Missing From Configuration Page Formula {0} exists in the database but is not linked to Compensation Planning. Add the Formula to Compensation Planning configuration to make it available.
Salary Projection Formula Required You must select a Formula.
Salary Projections Header Salary Projection
Salary Setup Block Header Salary Formula Setup
Salary Total Annual Team Salary
Salary and Bonus Salary and Bonus
Save And Next Save & Next
Save Formula Type Do Not Allow You cannot save {0} exclusion formulas because this is a {1} Plan.
Save Planners Save Planners
Save Success Message Saved Successfully
Select Filter Please select:
Selected EMP Fields Selected fields (read only)
Selected Fields Selected Fields
Selected Fields All Selected fields (read only)
Selected Managers Selected Managers
Selected Planners Selected Planners
Selected TM Fields Selected fields (read only)
Selected Top Planner Top Planner
Send Batch Email Introduction The {0} has failed for the {1} Plan. The {1} Plan has been reset to Draft status
Send Batch Email Outro To help find the cause the following information has been sent to Sage People Support:
Send Batch Email Subject {0} failure
Service Error Approve Plans Failed Approve Plans failed
Service Error Commit Plans Failed Commit Plans failed
Service Error Delete Plan Failed Delete Plan failed
Service Error Delete Plans Failed Delete Plans failed
Service Error Fetch Plan List Failed Fetch list of plans failed
Service Error Fetch Planners Failed Fetching details for planners failed
Service Error Fetch Policies Failed Fetch Policies failed
Service Error Get Comments Failed Get Comments failed
Service Error Get Formulas Failed Get formulas failed
Service Error Get Plan Details Failed Fetch Plan Details failed
Service Error Get SetupPlan Failed Getting setup plan failed
Service Error Get Setup Failed Fetch Setup Details failed
Service Error Get Translations Failed Fetch translations failed
Service Error Insert Plan Failed Insert Plan failed
Service Error Publish Plan Failed Publish Plan failed
Service Error Refresh Plan Failed Refresh Plan failed
Service Error Save Comments Failed Saving Comments failed
Service Error Save Planners Failed Saving planners failed
Service Error Save Template Failed Saving Template failed
Service Error Submit Plan Failed Submit Plan failed
Service Error Update Plan Failed Update Plan failed
Service Error Update Projection Failed Updating plan with projections failed
Service Error Update TM Plan Failed Updating team member plan failed
Service Error Update Template Failed Updating template failed
Service Message Get CP List Getting list of compensation plans
Service Message Get Projections Getting Projections
Service Message Get Templates List Getting list of templates
Setup Block Header Setup
Start Date Null The Start Date must not be empty or null.
Start Plan Batch Time Label Start Plan Batch Time
Status Approved Approved
Status Committed Committed
Status Draft Draft
Status Failed Failed
Status In Progress In Progress
Status Not Allow Delete Plans with status Committed or Partially Committed cannot be deleted.
Status Not Approved The Plan status must be Approved.
Status Not Approved Or Partially Committed The Plan status must be Approved or Partially Committed.
Status Not Draft The Plan status must be Draft.
Status Not In Progress The Plan status must be In Progress
Status Not In Progress Or Submitted The Plan status must be In Progress or Submitted.
Status Not Submitted The Plan status must be Submitted.
Status Partially Committed Partially Committed
Status Processing Refresh Processing
Status Ready Ready
Status Submitted Submitted
Submit Description Modal You cannot edit a worksheet after submitting. Are you sure you want to submit?
Submit Email Conclusion All Planners must submit their Plans before you can submit your Plan.
Submit Email Intro {0} has submitted their plan.
Submit Email No Outstanding Planners No Plans are outstanding – you can now submit your Plan.
Submit Email Outstanding Planners The following Planners have Plans outstanding:
Submit Email Subject Compensation Plan submission
Submit Title Modal Submit
Suggested Amount Suggested Salary
Suggested Annual Salary Suggested Annual Salary
Suggested Percentage Suggested Salary %
Suggested Team Increase Suggested Team Increase
Suggested Team Percentage Suggested Team %
Suggested Team Salary Your Suggested Team Salary is
Suggested Team Total Suggested Team Salary
Team Budget Your Team Budget
Team Budget Details Your Team Budget Details
Team Member Id Invalid Team Member ID is invalid. Check the syntax.
Team Member Not Exist The Team Member does not exist in the database.
Team Member Plan Id Invalid Team Member Plan ID is invalid. Check the syntax.
Team Member Plan Not Exist The Team Member Plan does not exist in the database.
Team Member Plan Not Related With Plan The Team Member Plan is not assigned to this parent Plan. Check the Plan IDs.
Team Member Without Manager Error {0} is active but has an inactive manager in a hierarchy with no manager. Your org can have only one Team Member with no manager - typically the CEO - and that Team Member must be active.
Team Member Without User Your Team Member has not a user assigned.
Team Salary Balance Team Salary Balance
Template Plan Update Error This Plan has no associated template. You cannot update the template until it is associated with this Plan.
Tile Num Plans Plans in Progress
Too many Reporting Currency Your Organization has more than one currency with an Exchange Rate of 1. Ensure only one currency is defined with an Exchange Rate of 1.
Top Planner Delete description Are you sure? The Top Planner will default to the CEO.
Top Planner Delete Header Remove Top Planner
Top Planner Description The person who is to submit the parent Plan. Defaults to the CEO.
Top Planner Header Top Planner
Top Planner No Results Your search returned no matches. Please try again.
Top Planner Search Description Search for a Top Planner. Enter 3 characters to display a list:
Total Requested Increase Total Requested Increase
Total Suggested Bonus Total Suggested Bonus
Total Suggested Increase Total Suggested Increase
Total Suggested Salary Total Suggested Salary
User Logged Without TeamMember Assigned The user logged has not any Team Member assigned.