Approving legacy HR Requests

As an approver of legacy HR Requests, typically as a manager of the originator of the request, Sage People:

  • Generates a WX Action for each request you need to approve. The Action includes a link to a view with more detail and Approve or Reject options.

  • Sends an email to you with the subject Approval Request and a link to the Approve or Reject options.

To respond to the WX Action:

In the menu, select Actions:

Screenshot: Selecting Actions from the WX Navigation Bar

Sage People displays the Actions Detail page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Other group of Actions:

Screenshot: The Other section on the WX Actions page

Sage People displays the Actions Detail page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Other group of Actions:

The page shows:


    The fields the Request is seeking to change.


    The Team Member the Request applies to.

Select the Action for the Request you want to approve:

Screenshot: Selecting the Approve button on WX Actions page

Sage People displays the Review view for the Request. The view includes:

  • The identifier for the change request.

    Enables your HR team to easily identify the change if you have questions about it. Automatically created by Sage People in the form #nn

  • Key fields from the Request.

  • Current values and requested values for the fields the Request is seeking to change.

Screenshot: Reviewing an HR Request before approving from WX Actions page

You can add comments to justify your response if you wish. Comments are particularly useful if you are rejecting the Request.


  • Approve to submit the Request to the next stage in the Approval Process.

  • Reject to stop the HR Request. The Approval History for the Request is marked as Rejected and the Request is added to the Rejected tab on the HR Request Detail view for the Team Member. Add a reason for rejection in the Comments field.

  • Cancel to return to the Actions list, leaving the HR Request Action in place for future attention.