Default Profile settings: Hiring Team

Sage People Recruit is delivered with settings for three standard Profiles. Settings in these Profiles must be mapped to equivalent Profiles in your org as part of the package upgrade process. This page gives Hiring Team default settings for each of the three standard Profiles.

Recruit Administrator

The Recruit Administrator Profile is intended for the user who requires complete access to all Recruit data, regardless of Recruit Sharing security.


Profiles use Labels to identify objects and fields, and Labels may have been modified in the org. To ensure you are applying changes to the correct objects and fields, use the Object Manager to correlate the unique API Object and Field Names given in the table with the Labels used in the org.

  1. Make sure the following changes have been applied:

    Object API Name Field Name Access level Why?
    fRecruit__Application__c fRecruit__Current_Stage_Name__c Edit To enable Recruit Administrators to edit and save the current stage name to an application.
    fRecruit__Assessment__c fRecruit__Awaiting_Form__c Edit To enable Recruit Administrators to indicate an assessment is linked to Form completion.
  2. Make sure the following VisualForce page is in the list of enabled VisualForce pages:


    The change is saved and the Profile page redisplayed.

By default Recruit Administrator Profile settings are mapped to the Fairsail Administrator Profile.

Object API Name Field Name Access level
fRecruit__Hiring_Team__c Name Read
  fRecruit__Primary__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Role__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Sharing_Access__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__User__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Vacancy__c Read, Edit

Recruit User

By default Recruit User Profile settings are mapped to the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Object API Name Field Name Access level
fRecruit__Hiring_Team__c Name Read
  fRecruit__Primary__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Role__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Sharing_Access__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__User__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Vacancy__c Read, Edit

Recruit Team Member

By default Recruit Team Member Profile settings are mapped to the Fairsail Platform Team Member Profile.

Object API Name Field Name Access level
fRecruit__Hiring_Team__c Name Read
  fRecruit__Primary__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Role__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Sharing_Access__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__User__c Read, Edit
  fRecruit__Vacancy__c Read, Edit


Following the installation of Sage People Recruit patch release ensure the Recruit Team Member profile has the following object and field permissions:

  • Hiring Team object

    Read, Create, Edit, Delete

  • Hiring Team object, Primary field

    Read, Edit

  • Hiring Team object, User field

    Read, Edit

These permissions ensure hiring managers assigned to the Recruit Team Member profile have the appropriate level of access to create vacancies from the WX self service portal.