Resume parsing overview

Resume Parsing enables details to be extracted from a resume to add to a Candidate's record. Resume Parsing uses the Sovren Resume Parsing engine; see for more.

Key features are:

  • Full parsing support for multiple languages including:

    • Chinese (simplified)
    • Czech
    • Dutch
    • English (all markets)
    • French (all markets including Canada)
    • German (all markets including Switzerland, Lichtenstein, and Austria)
    • Greek
    • Hungarian
    • Italian
    • Norwegian
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish (also Catalan, Galician, Basque)
    • Swedish
  • Support for additional languages is under development.

  • Support for multiple regions to ensure that local formats - for names, addresses, phone numbers, and so on - are recognized. See for a complete list of supported regions.
  • Full parsing for most file formats used for resumes, including:

    • Adobe PDF
    • Corel WordPerfect
    • HTML
    • Microsoft Word
    • Open Office
    • Rich Text Format
  • An associated email service, enabling you to parse multiple resumes attached to an email.
  • A batch processing option enabling you to parse all non-parsed resumes held in your org for all candidates except those flagged with status Archived.
  • Enhanced searching for candidates using the text content of all parsed resumes.

Extracted details do not overwrite details that already exist - pre-existing information is always preserved. Bear in mind that the variable nature of resumes means that extracted details are not always consistent across multiple candidates.

Resume Parsing is available within Recruit when:

  • Manually adding a new candidate through the Candidates tab.
  • Applying through a Candidate Portal.
  • Submitting a resume by email using a Vacancy number, from an agency or direct from a candidate.

Candidate records are automatically created, using details extracted from the resume.


Sovren automatically rejects CVs and resumes that include test or fake data. If you want to get representative results when testing the system, use documents with realistic names, actual companies, and real addresses.