Updated label translations

Note Salesforce updates are subject to change beyond our control. Sage People attempts to maintain our content in alignment, but for the most up to date information please refer to Salesforce documentation linked from the Salesforce resources section.


To ensure accuracy, consistency, and ease of use for language translations.

When is the change to be enforced?

Salesforce Spring ‘24 Release.

Is there an impact on Sage People?

Yes, for some customers.

What is the impact?

The label translatios are changing for:

  • Approval Process

  • Approval Status

  • Entry Criteria

  • Email Alert

What actions do I need to take?

No action is required.

If you want to change the updated translations see Translations: key processes

How do I check if I am impacted?

For a full list of impacted language users and updated translations, see the Salesforce article Review Spring ‘24 Updated Label Translations.

Sage People resources

Translations: key processes

Salesforce resources

Review Spring ‘24 Updated Label Translations

Rename Object, Tab, and Field Labels

Considerations for Renaming Tab and Field Labels

Supported Languages