Exporting and importing Policies

Policies can be exported and imported, enabling you to copy a Policy between orgs. Exported Policies do not include any associated patterns, such as Action Event, Absence Accrual, or Work Days Patterns. Patterns can be exported and imported separately. Exported Policies are saved as .fs files which can then be imported without conversion.

To export a Policy:

  1. Select the Policies tab.

    Sage People displays the Policies Home page.

  2. Select the name of the Policy you want to export:

    Screenshot: Selecting a Policy from the Policies tab list view

    Sage People displays the Policy Details page.

  3. Select Export:

    Screenshot: Selecting Export on a Policy details page

    Sage People creates an export file from your Policy using the Policy name as the file name and adding a .fs extension.

  4. Save the file.

Policy import uses the standard Sage People Import Data page; there is no dedicated Policy Import option.

To import a Policy:

  1. Select the Policies tab.

    Sage People displays the Policies Home page.

  2. Select any Policy name:

    Screenshot: Selecting a Policy from the list view on the Policies tab

    Sage People displays the Policy Details page.

  3. Select an Import link:

    Screenshot: Selecting an Import link

    Sage People displays the Import Data page.

  4. Select Browse:

    Import Data page

  5. Navigate to find and select the .fs file for the Policy you want to import.

  6. Select Import:

    Screenshot: Importing a Policy file

    Sage People displays the Policy Details page to enable you to rename the Policy and change any other settings, creating the new Policy you need.

  7. Select Save.