Job Description

The Job Description process records the written specification of the roles and responsibilities of a job. It enables the manager and team member to enter and agree the job description.

As well as being good practice, having up-to-date and agreed job descriptions for all employees is a requirement for meeting federal Sarbanes-Oxley legislation applying to any company operating in the USA.

Each team member has a job description, comprising job title, grade, and key responsibilities.

Linking Job Descriptions with Job Library

Job Descriptions can be linked with the Job Library or can be used standalone. The following table compares features of both.


Job Library

Job Description Library


Updates job-related fields on Team Member and/ or Employment Record with a change of the Job Library field

Provides a means to allow team members and managers to collaborate on a job description and create printable PDFs.

Commonly-used fields

  • Job Title

  • Job Function

  • Grade

  • Salary Band

  • Job Description

  • Job Title

  • Job

  • Overview

  • Responsibilities

  • Qualifications


Allows data in all fields associated with a job to change together when the job changes, avoiding data errors

Links a written description of a job to a team member, or to a job when linked to the Job Library.

The screenshot below illustrates a Job Description linked to a Job Library item, demonstrating the relationship between the two items. A Job Description may appear in more than one Job Library Item.