Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options in the Job Description section

Option Description
Job Description

Checkbox. If checked, the Job Descriptions process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

New Job Description

Picklist. The lowest level of employee able to start a job description:

  • Team Member: all can start a Job Description.

  • Manager: Managers and HR can start a Job Description

  • HR: Only HR can start a Job Description.

Permit Job Description Changes


If checked, Team Members can edit their own draft Job Descriptions.

If unchecked, Team Members can only change their Job Descriptions by copying a pre-existing template from the Job Descriptions library or from another Team Member. Copies then act as draft Job Descriptions for the Team Member.

Job Description Match Grades


If checked, when changing a Team Member Job Description the picklist of available Job Descriptions is restricted to those with grades the same as the Team Member's current job grade, and those that are ungraded.

Job Description Repeat

Number. The number of months between Job Description reviews.

Authenticate Job Description Approval

Checkbox. Not currently supported.If checked, Managers seeking to approve changes to a Team Member's Job Description must confirm their login credentials before approval can take effect.

Field sets

Job Description object
Field Set Purpose
Job Description

Fields displayed in the WX Detail View.

Job Description Edit

Fields displayed in the Job Description Edit dialog.

Job Description Tile

Fields displayed in the WX Job Description Tile.

Picklist values


Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Job Description object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Formula (Text)

Action Date

Formula (Date)

Approved Date


Confirmed Date




Key Responsibilities Long Text Area (32000)
Manager Action Formula (Text)
Manager Action Date Formula (Date)
Status Formula (Text)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
Team Member Action Formula (Text)
Team Member Action Date Formula (Date)
Title Text (255)


Job Description Library Item object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type





Key Responsibilities

Long Text Area (32000)


Job History object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Effective Date



Master-Detail (Employment Record)


Text (128)

Grade Text (80)
Job Lookup (Job Library Item)
Job Profile Lookup (Job Profile)
Job Title Text (255)
Manager Lookup (Team Member)
Processed Date Date
Salary Band Lookup (Salary Band)


Job Library Item object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Budgeted FTE

Number (10,0)

Effective Date



Text (128)

Grade Text (80)
Job Description Library Item Lookup (Job Description Library Item)
Job Profile Lookup (Job Profile)
Job Title Text (255)
Salary Band Lookup (Salary Band)


Job Profile object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type



Assessment Layout


Colleague Form Definition

Lookup (HCM Form Definition)

Customer Form Definition Lookup (HCM Form Definition)
Direct Report Form Configuration Lookup (HCM Form Definition)
Family Text (255)
Level Text (80)
Manager Form Definition Lookup (HCM Form Definition)
Mentor Form Definition Lookup (HCM Form Definition)
Other Form Definition Lookup (HCM Form Definition)
Self Form Definition Lookup (HCM Form Definition)
Show Averages To Manager On Assessment Checkbox
Start Form Definition Lookup (HCM Form Definition)


Job Need object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Formula (Text)

Competency Library Item

Lookup (Competency Library Item)

Ideal Score

Number (2,1)

Indicator Library Item Lookup (Indicator Library Item)
Item Formula (Text)
Job Profile Master-Detail (Job Profile)
Maximum Score Number (2,0)
Metrics Library Item Lookup (Metrics Library Item)
Required Level Lookup (Scale Response)
Required Score Number (16,1)
Skill Library Item Lookup (Skill Library Item)
Type Formula (Text)

Record types

  • New

  • Manager Draft

  • Team Member Draft

  • Active

  • Closed

Action events


When sent


When a confirmed Job Description is approved by the creator's manager.

Confirm When a draft Job Description is confirmed by the creator.


When a draft Job Description is edited and saved.


When a confirmed Job Description is approved without confirmation by the manager.


When a Job Description is created.


  • Manager: Add New. Appears when:

    • Job description process is active.

    • No draft job description exists.

    • Next Job Description date is not blank and is today or in the past.

  • Manager: Approve or Edit. Appears when:

    Job description status is Team Member Draft: the job description has been edited by the Team Member.

  • Team Member: Confirm or Edit. Appears when: Job description status is Manager Draft: the job description has been edited by the manager.

When a job description is agreed, Next Job Description date is advanced by the number of Repeat Months set in the Policy field Job Description Repeat. If Next Job Description is blank it is set to the number of Repeat Months beyond the creation date of the job description.