Bank accounts

Sage People enables you to record multiple bank accounts for a single Team Member and specify how payroll payments are to be split between them. You can allocate payments by percentage or value, setting a priority order to be followed. You can define a single remainder account to receive any remaining balance after all other accounts have received their allocation.

You can define the Bank Account types available by country for a Policy to simplify and tailor the options presented to Team Members assigned to that Policy. Each Policy can host account types from multiple countries.

Designed to be fully integrated with Sage People Payroll, Team Members can use WX to set up, view, and maintain their own bank details, complete with allocation and priority, or you can use the HR Manager portal to enter details for Team Members.

Access to Bank Accounts is controlled by settings on the Policy page:

  • Define account types by country, enabling your employees to select the appropriate account type for each account they need to define. Ensure:

    • The countries you choose are supported by your payroll system as recipient countries for payments.

    • The account types you define are those used by your employees.

    When possible, use existing payroll data to confirm your requirements. You can maintain the list of countries and account types by adding and deleting after first definition.

    Set up each Policy with the Bank Account types relevant to Team Members assigned to the Policy.

  • Select the Bank Accounts is Active checkbox to make the process active, so it can be enabled for WX users.

For your employees to maintain their own Bank Account details you must create a WX Process for Bank Details.