Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options in the Education History section

Option Description

Checkbox. If checked, the Education History process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Require Education

Checkbox. If checked, the Team Member is prompted to enter their education history if they have none entered.

Edit Education

Picklist. The lowest level able to create or edit Education History. Select from:

  • Team Member

    Can be created or edited by all.

  • Manager

    Can be created or edited by manager or HR

  • HR

    Can be created or edited by HR only.

Education Manager Access

Picklist. The level of access granted to Managers through WX for their Team Members' Education History. Select from:

  • None

    Managers have no access to Education History for their Team Members.

  • Read

    Managers can view but not edit Education History for their Team Members.

  • Edit

    Managers can view and edit but not delete Education History for their Team Members.

  • Edit and Delete

    Managers can view, edit, and delete Education History for their Team Members.

Education Team Member Access

Picklist. The level of access granted to Team Members through WX to Education History. Select from:

  • None

    Team Members have no access to their Education History.

  • Read

    Team Members can view but not edit Education History for themselves.

  • Edit

    Team Members can view and edit but not delete Education History for themselves.

  • Edit and Delete

    Team Members can view, edit, and delete Education History for themselves.

Field sets

Education History object
Field Set Purpose
Education Details

Fields displayed the WX Education Detail view.

Education Tile

Fields displayed in the WX Education Tile.

WX displays the first four fields listed in the Field Set on the Tile.


There are no picklists defined for Education History.

Object fields

Education object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Activities and Societies

Long Text Area (32000)

Additional Notes

Long Text Area (32000)

Education Name Text (80)

End Date


Field(s) of Study

Text (255)

Institution Name

Text (80)

Qualification Text (80)
Start Date Date
Team Member Master-Detail (Team Member)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields

Record types

There are no Record Types defined for Education History.

Action events


When sent


When a draft Education History entry is edited and saved.


When an Education History entry is created.