Rehire a team member

Update the team member record

  1. Go to the Team Members tab and find the team member record for the rehired employee.

  2. Update the Employment Status field: 

    • If the start date is today, set it to the status you use for active employees in your org.

    • If the start date is in the future, set it to the status you use for pre joiners in your org.

  3. Update any other fields requiring updates, for example: 

    • HR Department

    • Policy Override

    • Manager

    • Division, Function, or Team

    • Work details such as Location and Job Title

    • Personal details such as Home Address and other contact details

    • Emergency contacts if available

    • Bank details if available

  4. Save the team member record.

Create a new employment record

You can create a new employment record by cloning the existing employment record, or you can edit the existing record to mark it as not active and create a new one.

Clone the employment record

If the Clone button is not available, your administrator can add it to the page layout.

  1. From the team member record, select the link to the current employment record.

  2. On the employment record page, select Clone.

  3. On the cloned employment record, edit all the required fields. When you have finished, select Save.

    Creating a new employment record triggers all the action event emails usually sent for new starters.

Create a new employment record

If you are not cloning the employment record, you can mark the current employment record as not active and create a new one.

  1. From the team member record, select the link to the current employment record.

  2. From the employment record, select Edit.

  3. Clear the Active checkbox

  4. Select Save.

  5. Go to the team member record.

  6. From the Employment related list, select New.

  7. Complete the relevant fields, such as: 

    • Start Date

    • Probation End Date

    • Work Location

    • Job and Job Category

  8. Select Save.

Create a new employment record by editing the Team Member record

If you are not cloning the employment record, you can mark the current employment record as not active and create a new one by editing the Team Member record. Using this method assumes the relevant fields are available on the Team Member Edit page, Employment Details section.

  1. From the team member record, select the link to the current employment record.

  2. From the employment record, select Edit.

  3. Clear the Active checkbox

  4. Select Save.

  5. Go to the team member record and select Edit.

  6. In the Employment Details section, enter the information about the rehired employee's job, such as:

    • Start Date

    • Probation End Date

    • Work Location

    • Job and Job Category

  7. When you have completed all the relevant fields, select Save.

    Sage People creates the new employment record. Creating a new employment record triggers all the action event emails usually sent for new starters.

Create a new salary record

  1. Go to the team member's new employment record.

  2. From the Salary History related list, select New.

  3. Complete the fields and select Save.

Activate the user record

This task requires administrator permissions.

  1. Go to the team member record.

  2. Find the User field. This is typically located in the System / User Details section. Select the user.

  3. On the User record page, select User Detail.

  4. On the User detail page, review and update the following fields:

    • Profile: ensure the correct profile is selected

    • Active: select the checkbox

  5. Select Save.