Field level help in WX

If field level help text has been added to a field, it now displays in WX underneath the field with an i information icon at the start:

Screenshot: Priority to Call field displaying help text for the field underneath the field

Field level help is defined in the custom field definition detail in the HR Manager portal: 

Screenshot: Field level help text for the Priority to Call field as defined in the custom field definition detail

For field level help to display in WX, the field needs to be in a field set for making it available for editing in WX. Field level help, if available, displays in the following processes: 

  • Competency Assessment

    • New Competency Assessment

  • Dependants

    • New Dependants

    • Edit Dependants

  • Development Need

    • New Development Need

    • Edit Development Need

  • Education History

    • New Education History

    • Edit Education History

  • Emergency Contacts

    • New Emergency Contact

    • Edit Emergency Contact

  • Job Description

    • New Job Description

    • Edit Job Description

  • Manager Notes

    • New Manager Note

  • Passports

    • New Passports

    • Edit Passports

  • Personal Details

    • Edit

  • Recognition

    • New Recognition

  • Talent Plan

    • New Talent Plan

    • Edit Talent Plan

  • Training 

    • New Training

    • New Training from Library

    • Edit Training

  • Work Details

    • Edit

  • Work History/Experience

    • New Work History

    • Edit Work History