Resume parsing email service

Resume Parsing includes an Email handler that can be used to process resumes attached to incoming emails. The email service must be created.

Once created, you can use one or more receiving email addresses to accept attached resumes. Incoming resumes are automatically parsed and the extracted details used to create or extend candidate records whenever clear contact details can be identified.

  • Each email can include up to 10 attached resumes. If an incoming email has more than 10 resumes attached, the first 10 are parsed and the remaining resumes are ignored.
  • Each attachment can be up to 5MB, subject to a maximum of 25MB for each email with attachments. Larger emails are ignored and no processing takes place.
  • Sending email addresses are ignored and not used in the created candidate records.
  • By including a Vacancy Number in the subject line you can ensure that candidate records created or extended by the parsed resumes are linked to the Vacancy, and Application records created.

Use the email service to load multiple resumes received by your organization for one or more vacancies, or single resumes received directly from candidates. Each resume must contain a readily identifiable name or email address so that the email service can identify the correct, existing candidate record to extend, or create a new record.