New candidate

To create a new candidate:

  1. On the Candidates Home page, select New:

  2. Enter the personal details of the new candidate.

    If you have Resume Parsing enabled, some of the personal details can be extracted automatically from their resume. Manually entered details always override details extracted by parsing; a detail from a parsed resume does not replace a pre-existing manually entered detail.

    You can then attach their CV or resume and link the candidate to one or more vacancies.

    Applications received by email have a new candidate record created automatically.

    Field What to enter

    Information section

    Candidate name
    (First Name, Last Name, Title)

    The person’s name.


    How the candidate is addressed in emails: Dear xxxx.


    Candidate status, not the status of the application. Select from the picklist.

    Start a new candidate with status New.

    Contact Information section


    The candidate's email address. Used for automatic emails in workflows.

    Skype Name

    The candidate's Skype Name, as used to contact them by Skype. Used to add a Skype Call link to the Candidates Home page so that you can start a Skype call with them.


    The candidate's contact phone number.

    Current Address
    (multiple fields)

    Where the candidate lives.

    You must enter at least Home Country.

    To make sure that candidates can be included in Candidate Search, include valid Home Country and Home Post Code details.

    Initial Details section

    Start Preference

    Picklist. Is the candidate looking for an immediate or future start date?

    Location preference

    Picklist. Which of the available locations the candidate prefers.

    Meets Preconditions

    Checkbox. If checked, this candidate meets the preconditions set for any vacancy.


    Picklist. Where the candidate's details came from:


    Details section

    Current Location

    Text. The candidate's current work location.

    Current Employer

    Text. The candidate's current employer.

    Current Job

    Text. The candidate's current job title.

    Current Salary

    The candidate's current remuneration package, on target earnings, or salary.

    Visa Status


  3. Select Save to create the candidate record.