Candidate details

The Candidate page shows the details and primary items linked to a candidate. Use it to view candidates' incoming emails, applications, resumes or CVs, and references. The candidate record groups information used by one or more applications made by the candidate for vacancies. Selected information is automatically copied between candidates and applications where needed.

Go to a candidate’s page by selecting the candidate name in the vacancy or application record, from a candidate found on the candidate home page, or on a candidate in the recently viewed items in the sidebar.

The Candidate Details page comprises a Details tab and a Related tab.

The Details tab has a number of sections:

Section Description


The details entered on the candidate, broken down into sections:

  • Information, typically including:

    • Name
    • Title
    • Status (New, Active, Onboarding, and so on)
  • Contact Information such as:
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Address
  • Initial Details, such as:

    • Start Preference
    • Location Preference
    • Source
  • Current Position, including subsections for:

    • Resume Job History
    • Resume Education

      Both subsections can be populated by the Resume Parsing service.

  • Additional Details

Select Edit to amend.


Applications made for vacancies.

To manually link a candidate to a vacancy with an application, select New.

Assessment Events

Any events for which the candidate has booked a place, with start dates and times, and locations. You can jump to:

  • Booking detail pages
  • Assessment event details

Candidate Interest

Any roles in which the candidate has expressed an interest through a Candidate Portal. Candidate Interest displays keywords associated with the role as entered by the candidate and the candidates preferred location together with a location map.


The names of any people who have nominated the candidate through a Candidate Portal, together with the vacancy for which they have been nominated.

Hire Checks

Records the status of the checks your organization makes as part of the hiring process, such as identification documents, visa status, and other background checks. Each hire check is associated with an underlying Check Item. To build a list of check items select the Check List tab.

To change the status of a hire check select Edit. You can select the status from a picklist.

To add, edit, or delete hire checks use the Hire Checks related list for the Candidate.


One or more people to give a reference for this candidate.

To add a new referee select New

Candidate Emails

Emails sent:

  • By your organization to candidates. Requires setup by your administrator.

  • Directly to Recruit by the candidate to apply for vacancies or amend their applications.

Select the email subject to read the email.

To generate and send an email to the candidate select Email.

Open Activities

Any tasks assigned to the candidate that have not yet been completed.

To add a new activity for the candidate select New Task or New Event as appropriate.

Activity History

Completed tasks associated with this candidate.

The Candidate page Related tab gives access to a number of Related Lists. The Related Lists displayed depend on how your organization has been configured but typically include:

Related List Description

Primarily used for the candidate’s resume and any cover letters. Can also include other files, such as files sent with emails or other material you might have added manually.

To upload a file select Add Files.

To open a file in the File Previewer select a link.

With the Notes Related List Files is intended as a replacement for the Salesforce Classic Notes & Attachments Related List. If your display includes Notes & Attachments, any files visible in the Files Related List are also available through Notes & Attachments.


Manually added notes relating to the candidate.

To add a note select New .

The Related List includes text previews of notes. To display the full content of a note, select the note.

With the Files Related List Notesis intended as a replacement for the Salesforce Classic Notes & Attachments Related List. Notes generated using Lightning Notes are not displayed in Notes & Attachments, and notes generated for Notes & Attachments are not displayed in Notes.


References received for the candidate. Access to the same information displayed on Candidate Details in the Referees section.

To add a new reference select New.

Hire Checks

Complete access to the list of checks your organization makes as part of the hiring process. As well as access to the status setting for each check (as provided through the Hire Checks section on the Candidate Details tab) you can also:

  • Add a new hire check: select New.

  • Edit an existing hire check: select Edit from the picklist at the right.

  • Delete a hire check from the list for this candidate: select Delete from the picklist at the right.