Manager Notes

The Manager Notes process enables managers to add notes to Team Member's profiles. A Manager Note is typically an informal record of some interaction between a manager and a team member that is not covered or required by any of the more formal HR-related processes. You can also use a Manager Note to contribute to another, more formal process.

For example:

  • A notable achievement by the team member. The Manager Note can record the achievement, the date, and any formal recognition or award applied for or made.
  • A coaching session for a team member. The Manager Note can record the date and summarize the content of the session.
  • A counseling session for a team member for a minor performance issue. The Manager Note can record the date and time, and summarize the content of the session.

Manager Notes can be:

  • Supported by attached files, with each attachment up to 1MB in size.
  • Made visible or invisible to the Team Member.
  • Set up so that Team Members can add notes to their own profiles.
  • Set up to require HR approval before a Manager Note created by the manager is visible to the Team Member.
  • Set up as multiple, separate Notes processes, for example:

    • Manager Notes for Skills displayed next to the Skills process and recording notes relevant to a Team Member's Skills.
    • Manager Notes for Objectives displayed next to the Objectives process and recording notes relevant to a Team Member's Objectives.

Use Manager Notes to build a centralized record of interactions over time. They can make a valuable contribution to a Metrics Review, Performance Review, Competency Assessment, or Development Plan.