Competency Assessment

The Competency Assessment process enables team members to be assessed against a list of competencies and behaviors. The assessment is carried out by the manager as a training need analysis, or by the manager, team member, peers and the team member’s team members as full multi-rate 360 feedback. You can also nominate external assessors. The main purpose is to focus on the behavioral side of work performance and drive development planning.

Before you run an assessment, the team member needs a set of competencies and behaviors on which to be assessed:

  • The competencies and behaviors are listed in a competency library.
  • A job profile is created combining a selection of competencies, typically by your HR Team.
  • A manager or HR administrator selects a job profile with the competencies appropriate for each team member.

Assessors complete a questionnaire for the role being assessed. The manager is always one of the assessors, and if the team member is not a registered user the manager is the only assessor. If the team member is a registered user, they can make a self assessment. They can also ask other registered users to act as assessors. The other assessors are grouped into colleagues, direct reports or others. There must be a minimum of 3 registered users in each of those assessor groups. The system will not show results until the requisite number have responded.

Assessors provide feedback by completing a questionnaire. Their responses to the questionnaire are only available when all questions have been answered. The team member, manager and HR administrator can see who has and has not completed their questionnaires.

When a request for assessment is made a date is set by which completion is required. Any time after that date the assessment request can be canceled. The assessor is informed.

An assessment can be closed if there are no outstanding assessment requests. On closing, the system enforces anonymity as follows:

  1. All assessor groups, other than self and manager, must have three or more assessors.
  2. Any assessments in groups that do not have three assessors are converted into the group Other.
  3. If the group Other does not have three assessors then the group with the fewest assessors is converted to Other. This conversion excludes self and manager assessments.
  4. If, after all assessments excluding self and manager assessments, are converted to Other there are fewer than three assessments in Other, Other is disregarded in the results.
  5. After automated scoring, the original raw responses are deleted to protect assessors’ anonymity. Additional results cannot be added after scoring and deletion of raw results.