Manager processes overview

Role: Manager

Some processes are only available to managers (employees that have at least one direct report). These manager-specific processes are related to management functions such as assessments and planning. This section details the standard processes available to managers within Sage People. The processes you see in your portal may differ from those documented here.


Many of the Team Member processes also have a manager view that allow managers to view and update details for their team members. See Processes with a team view.

Accessing processes for your team

If you are a manager, you have access to a team view for any processes relevant to your direct reports.

Use the Personal View | Team View toggle at the top of a process page to change views.

Or, in the navigation menu, select the process under the Team heading to open the team view of that process.

Screenshot: selecting a team view of a process from the navigation menu

Managers also have access to the My Team menu for their direct reports.

Error: This process is unavailable

If WX cannot display a process to you, it displays a standard error message: 

This process is unavailable for the current team member or team.

This is commonly caused by your logged-in session timing out. To refresh, select the WX portal name to refresh your session.

If you still see this error, contact your HR Administrator and ask them to check the configuration for the process where the error displays. Possible causes of the error are Internal Communications with tiles but no content for the detail view, or errors in the working days and public holidays configuration.