Finding people in WX

Use the People search: enter the name, word, or part word you want to search on.

Screenshot: searching for people in WX

The people search enables you to find users and groups in your organization. You can search by name (first name, last name), by role, or by any other fields configured for your organization. Begin typing to display matching results. You must type at least 2 characters.

In the search results, select a name or picture to go to the profile page for that person.

Select the down arrow  to show summary details:

Screenshot: summary details for a team member in search results

Select Org Chart to see that person's entry in the organization chart, including their manager, colleagues, and any direct reports.

Team Member profile view

Selecting a team member from the search or from within a process takes you to the team member's profile page, letting you view the processes for the team member that you have access to. Access the team member's processes using the tab menus.

Screenshot: Team Member profile view

If the team member is a manager and has processes that have a team view, managers can use the Personal View/Team View toggle to view the team member's own team view.

Screenshot@ viewing a team member's team view of a process

Diagram - viewing a team member's personal or team view of a process:

Diagram: viewing a team member with a team view