Assess Applications

As well as responding to Assess Hiring Manager Actions, you can assess an Application Directly through the Hiring Manager process:

  1. In the navigation menu, select the Hiring Manager process.

  2. On the Detail View, select + for the Vacancy you want:

    Screenshot: Selecting the + icon to view Vacancy details

    WX displays the Hiring Manager view of the vacancy.

  3. Select the Active Applications tab:

    Screenshot: Selecting the Active Applications tab for a Vacancy

  4. For the Candidate you want to assess, select Assess Stage:

    Screenshot: Selecting the Assess Stage button for an application to a Vacancy

    WX displays the Stage Assessment form:

    Screenshot: Stage Assessment page

    The fields at the top of the form - Application Number, Candidate Name, Current Stage Name, and Vacancy Name in this example - can be changed. Ask your Administrator to modify the Application Assess Stage Summary Field Set.

    When the Current Stage of an Assessment is Interview, the Action button is Screenshot: Assess Interview button. Select Assess Interview to display the Interview Assessment form.

  5. Enter your assessment, including Strengths, Weaknesses, and any Comments.

  6. If Outcome is displayed and you are ready to enter your decision, select the picklist and choose from the available values:

    If your organization uses Sage People Candidate Portal the value you choose is used to update the status of the Application on the Portal immediately you save your assessment.

    Screenshot: Outcome picklist

  7. If the outcome is Proceed to Next Stage, WX displays the Next Stage picklist for you to make a selection:

    Screenshot: Next Stage picklist

    The options in the picklist are the selection stages defined for the Vacancy.

    The outcome Proceed to Next Stage set by the Hiring Manager is recorded as a recommendation and the Application is not automatically moved to the next stage of the assessment process.

  8. When you have completed the assessment, select Save.

    • If you selected Proceed to Next Stage, you are prompted to confirm.

      Select OK.