Interview Assessment

When the Current Stage of an Assessment is Interview:

  • The Action button on the Vacancy Detail view, Active Applications tab, is Screenshot: Assess Interview button.

  • The associated Action list item is Screenshot: Assess Hiring Manager button with Interview in the Details column.

To complete the Interview Assessment form:

  1. Select Assess Interview on the Active Applications tab, or Assess Hiring Manager on your Action list.

    WX displays the Interview Assessment form:

    Screenshot: Interview Assessment form with collapsed sections

    • Select Resume to open or download the Candidate's resume.

      Resume is not displayed if no resume is available.

    • Select Interview Worksheet to display interview guidance notes in a separate tab.

      The Interview Worksheet button may not be visible in your WX; your administrator can select an option to hide it.

  2. Select the tabs to expand them:

    Screenshot: Viewing a tab on the Interviewer Assessment form

  3. For each tab complete your assessment by selecting a Rating and adding a Comment.

  4. When you have completed the Interview Assessment, select Complete:

    Screenshot: Selecting Complete to finish an Interviewer Assessment