Exchange Rates

Sage People uses an Exchange Rate table to support multiple currencies. The rates convert the local currencies to an org-wide reporting currency.

Ensure every exchange rate you define has a unique currency code and a value in the Rate field to avoid errors.

The Exchange Rate table must also include a rate for your organization's reporting currency, always set to a rate of 1.

Add a new Exchange Rate

  1. Select the Exchange Rates tab.

    Sage People displays the Exchange Rates Home page:

    Screenshot showing Exchange Rates list view

  2. Select New.

    Sage People displays the New Exchange Rate Edit page:

    Screenshot showing new Exchange Rate page

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field What to enter
    Currency Name The name you want to use for the currency in your organization. This is a free text field.
    Currency Code

    The ISO code for the currency. Select the picklist and select the code.

    If the picklist does not include the code for the currency you want to add, you can add your values by updating the picklist. To make the codes easy to find and identify, use standard ISO 3 letter codes.

    Currency Code must be unique for each defined exchange rate.


    Mandatory; if you leave Rate blank Sage People returns an error message when attempting to use the currency.

    The value used to convert the currency you have entered to your company's reporting currency. The Rate is the number used to multiply the source currency value to get the reporting currency. When entering the reporting currency, set Rate to 1.

    For example:

    • Your reporting currency is US Dollars (currency code USD)
    • You are entering a rate to convert the Polish Zloty (currency code PLN) to US Dollars
    • The Rate is the number of US Dollars to one Zloty; the number by which you multiply a Zloty amount to convert it to US Dollars, say 0.26, so that: USD = PLN x 0.26.
    • In Rate enter 0.26.

    The rate for the reporting currency is always 1.

  4. Select Save to apply the rate immediately.

Change existing exchange rate data

  1. On the Exchange Rate Home page select the currency name to display the Exchange Rate Detail page.
  2. On the Exchange Rate Detail page select Edit.

    Sage People displays the Exchange Rate Edit page.

  3. You can change the Currency Name, Currency Code, and Rate.
  4. Select Save.

Rates are effective immediately you select Save.

Sage People records the value of all currency related items such as salary and bonus in both local and reporting currencies. Values are set at the exchange rate in use on the day the currency related item values were entered. All reports using the reporting currency use that historical conversion value, enabling you to compare salaries and bonuses at the rate in use on the day they were set. You can generate equivalent reports using current exchange rates by using additional formula fields.

All currency related objects have a Trigger Currency Calculation field. Setting that field to True forces a currency calculation using the current rates. Trigger Currency Calculation can be set by using Mass Update from the Team Members Home page to update multiple Team Member records in a single operation, or by updating individual Team Member records. This gives fine grain control over the exchange rate you use.