Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

In the policies for the team members you want to display stock options, check Stock Options.

By default, the Stock Options policy option is displayed in the Team Member section of the policy:

Screenshot: Policy options in the Team Member section, with the Stock Options option highlighted

Option Description
Stock Options

Checkbox. If checked, the Stock Options process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

If checked and a Stock Options process is set up, team members can view their stock options through WX.

If unchecked, Stock Options can still be granted, vested and exercised but they are not visible to the team member through WX.

Field sets

Stock Option object
Field Set Purpose
Additional Details

Fields displayed in the WX Stock Options Detail view, Details section, in addition to the default fields.


To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Stock Option Pattern object

Period Units field

  • Day

  • Month

Period Units to Exercise field

  • Day

  • Month

Period Units to Vest field

  • Day

  • Month

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Stock Exercise object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Exercise Date


Quantity Number (18,0)
Stock Option Master-Detail (Stock Option)
Total Price Formula (Currency)


Stock Option object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Master-Detail (Employment Record)

Exercised Value Formula (Currency)
Expiration Date Date
Grant Date Date
Grant Price Currency (14,4)
Grant Value Formula (Currency)
Last Exercise Formula (Date)
Last Vesting Formula (Date)
Quantity Number (18,0)
Quantity Exercised Roll-Up Summary (SUM Stock Exercise)
Quantity Vested Roll-Up Summary (SUM Stock Vesting)
Stock Option Pattern Lookup (Stock Option Pattern)
Total Exercised Formula (Currency)
Total Grant Formula (Currency)
Total Vested Formula (Currency)
Vested Value Formula (Currency)
Vesting Termination Date Date


Stock Option Pattern object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Period After Leaving To Exercise

Number (5,0)

Period After Leaving To Vest Number (5,0)
Period Units Picklist
Period Units To Exercise Picklist
Period Units To Vest Picklist
Stock Price Currency (14,4)
Stock Price Currency Lookup (Exchange Rate)
Total Percentage Roll-Up Summary (SUM Stock Option Period)


Stock Option Period object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Percent (3,4)

Period Number (18,0)
Stock Option Pattern Master-Detail (Stock Option Pattern)


Stock Vesting object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Number (18,0)

Stock Option Master-Detail (Stock Option)
Stock Option Period Master-Detail (Stock Option Period)
Total Price Formula (Currency)
Vested Checkbox
Vesting Date Date

Record types

There are no record types defined for Stock Options.


There are no actions defined for Stock Options.

Action events

There are no action events defined for Stock Options.