Recording PlanSource payroll schedule details in Sage People

Organizations may have single or multiple payroll schedules in operation, with multiple schedules running at different frequencies. It is essential that Team Member data sent from Sage People to PlanSource identifies the correct payroll schedule for the employee.

Find the Payroll Schedule ID in PlanSource:

  1. Login to PlanSource as an administrator.

  2. Go to System Administration > Configuration

  3. On the Employer Configuration page select Payroll Schedules.

  4. On the Payroll Schedules page select the Schedule name.

    When the schedule detail is displayed, the schedule ID is included as a numeric string at the end of the URL in the address bar:

    Annotated screenshot: Browser address bar for a benefit schedule, with the schedule ID portion of the address highlighted

  5. Copy the string.

Now record the Payroll Schedule ID in Sage People:

  1. Log in to your Sage People org.

  2. Go to Setup > Object Manager and select the Employment Record.

  3. On the Employment Record page select Fields and Relationships.

  4. Select the Field Label for PlanSource Payroll Schedule (SgPpl__PlanSource_Payroll_Schedule__c)

  5. On the PlanSource Payroll Schedule page scroll down to the Values Related List.

    By default Values displays a set of placeholder values for a single payroll schedule.

  6. For all organizations, regardless of the number of payroll schedules, edit the placeholder values to record the details for the first schedule:

    1. Select Edit.

    2. On the Picklist Edit page change the following fields:

      Field What to enter
      Label Enter the value to match the name of the payroll schedule in PlanSource.
      API Name Enter the Payroll Schedule ID copied from the PlanSource url for the schedule.
    3. Select Save.

If the organization has more than one payroll schedule, repeat the complete procedure to retrieve each Payroll Schedule ID from PlanSource and add it to the Values for the Sage People PlanSource Payroll Schedule field by selecting New on the Values Related List.

When complete, the PlanSource Payroll Schedule field can be displayed on the Employment Record page layout for visibility through the HR Manager portal.