Field usage by report

    Used in... Can be entered by...
Field Object EEO OSHA VETS Team Member HR Manager HR Admin.
A Year Ago Today Employment Record            
Active Duty Wartime Campaign Badge Vet Employment Record            
Address Of Physician / Hospital Incident Report            
Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran Employment Record            
Classify The Case Incident Report            
Company Name Company Details            
Company Number Company Details            
Date Of Death Incident Report            
Disabled Veteran Employment Record            
Dun And Bradstreet Number   Replaced by DUNS Number on the Work Location object
DUNS Number Work Location            
Employer Identification Number Work Location            
Establishment Report Type Company Details            
Ethnicity Employment Record            
Ethnicity Visual Check Employment Record            
Gender Employment Record            
Harming Object Or Substance Incident Report            
Has Left Employment Record            
Headquarters Company Details            
Headquarters Name Company Details            
Injury Illness Description Incident Report            
Job Category Employment Record            
NAICS Code Company Details            
On Job Transfer Or Restrictions Incident Report            
OSHA Case Number Incident Report            
Other Protected Veteran Employment Record            
Recently Separated Veteran Employment Record            
Special Disabled Veteran Employment Record            
State Abbreviation Work Location            
Time Employee Began Work Incident Report            
Time Of Event Incident Report            
Treatment Location Away From Worksite Incident Report            
Type Of Illness (OSHA) Incident Report            
Unit Name Work Location        


Unit Number Work Location            
Vietnam Era Veteran Employment Record


What Happened Incident Report            
What Was The Employee Doing Just Before Incident Report