The Competency Library

The Competency Library stores competencies for assessments and development needs.

To create a new competency:

  1. Select the Competency Library tab.

    Sage People displays the competency Library Home page.

  2. Select New Competency Library Item:

    Screenshot: The cursor on New Competency Library Item button

    Sage People displays the New Competency Library Item Edit page:

    Screenshot: Blank New Competency Libray Item page

  3. Complete the fields as follows:




    A name for the competency.


    A brief description of the competency to be displayed as a prompt when entering an assessment of the competency in an online questionnaire.


    The name of the group hosting the competency. Enter the name of the Area if these are used by your organization.


    A text description of the competency. This is typically an expanded version of the content of Prompt.


    The level of this competency within a job family. Enter a level if these are used by your organization.


    A number assigned to the competency to control the order in which it is displayed in an online questionnaire. 1 for first, 2 for second and so on.


    The unique identifier for an image associated with this competency. Pictures can be displayed next to the competency, for example in the WX Recognition process.

    Pictures must be available to your Sage People org.

    • To use an image you already have available in your org, navigate to the image and copy the unique identifier. Paste the identifier in Picture.
    • To use a new image:

      1. On the Competency Library Item go to the Files related list.

        If the related list is not displayed, go to Setup > Object Manager > Competency Library Item > Page Layouts > Competency Library Item Layout, select Related Lists and drag and drop the Files related list into place.

      2. Select Add Files.
      3. Find and select the image file you want to use.

      4. When the file has loaded, select Done.

        The file is added to the Files related list.

      5. Select the file to display a preview.

      6. In the address bar of the preview window copy the unique identifier for the file from the URL. This is the string of characters following the fHCM2__Competency_Library_Item__c fragment, for example 00P24000003hwxn.
      7. Paste the unique identifier for the file in Picture.

  4. Select:

    • Save to save and close the New Competency Library Item Edit page.
    • Save & New to add another competency.