The Job Profile Library

The Job Profile Library stores the lists of skills, competencies, indicators and metrics required for each job type. Each Job Profile is defined in terms of the needs of the job, where a need can be:

  • A specific competency, such as initiative, or managing customers.
  • An indicator for a specific competency, such as coming up with practical ideas to solve problems as an indicator of initiative. Indicators can also be used directly to help define a job profile and do not have to be assigned to a competency.
  • A specific skill, such as delegation or coaching.
  • A metric, such as a measure of productivity for a production line worker.

Use Job Profiles as the basis for Competency Assessments or Metrics Reviews - an assessment or review uses the job needs defined in the Profile as the qualities to be measured.

Diagram: Job Profile in relation to Job Needs, Competencies, Indicators, Skills, and Metrics

The competencies, skills, and metrics are stored as separate items in the competencies, skills, and metrics libraries.