Creating a new Job Profile

To create a new job profile:

  1. Select the Job Profile Library tab.

    Sage People displays the Job Profile Library Home page.

  2. Select New Job Profile:

    Screenshot: New Job Profile button

    Sage People displays the New Job Profile page:

    Screenshot: Blank New Job Profile page

  3. Complete the fields as follows:



    Job Profile Name

    Mandatory. Enter a name for the Job Profile.


    Optional. Text, up to 255 characters. The Job Family where the Job Profile sits. Job Families are groups of related Job Profiles, typically with similar competencies, indicators, skills, or metrics.

    If your organization uses Job Families, enter the name of the Family.


    Optional. Text, up to 80 characters. The level of the job within the Family. A Job Family can contain related Job Profiles at several different levels.

    If your organization uses Job Families with multiple Levels, enter the name of the Level.


    Checkbox. Check to make this job profile visible to those completing a Competency Assessment or Metrics Review.

  4. If you are using this Job Profile for Competency Assessments, complete the Form Definition fields to assign the predefined HCM Forms to be used by the multiple assessors. Complete just those fields for the Forms to be used. Select Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup for each field to find and select the predefined Form Definition.

    Complete the Form Definition fields as follows: 

    Field Description

    Start Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used to request assessors before starting a Competency Assessment.

    Self Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member to complete their own, self assessment.

    Manager Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's manager to complete an assessment.

    Colleague Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's peers to complete an assessment.

    Mentor Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's mentor(s) to complete an assessment.

    Direct Report Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's direct reports to complete an assessment.

    Customer Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by customers - internal or external - to complete an assessment of the Team Member.

    Other Form Definition

    The HCM Form Definition used by assessors not classified as one of the alternative categories.

  5. Select:

    • Save to save and close the Job Profile Edit page.
    • Save & New to add another Job Profile.
    • Cancel to discard your edits and return to the Job Profile Home page.

    When you have saved the Job Profile, the Job Needs related list is displayed below the new Job profile:

    Screenshot: Job Needs Related list on the Job Profile detail page

    Select New Job Need and add the skills, competencies, and indicators relevant to the new profile.