Use the Picklist Exporter

Picklist Exporter enables you to view and export picklist values for building in to your data templates. Follow these steps:

  1. Create any new picklist fields you require and add the values you want to make available for selection.
  2. Modify any existing picklist values in line with customer requirements.
  3. Use Picklist Exporter to view each picklist and its associated values. Copy the values.
  4. Paste the picklist values into the data template, typically on a separate sheet to act as lookup values from the main template.

To use Picklist Exporter:

  1. On the Data Loader home page, select Picklist Exporter:

    Screenshot: Selecting Picklist exporter from the Data Loader home page

    Sage People displays the Picklist Exporter page.

  2. In Object Type select the picklist and select the object you want:

    Screenshot: Selecting the object in Picklist Exporter

    Sage People displays available picklists for that object:

    Screenshot: Picklists for a selected object

  3. Select the picklist you want.

    Sage People displays the values in the right window:

    Screenshot: Values for a selected picklist

    • To display values for multiple picklists, use Ctrl + select :

      Screenshot: Selecting multiple picklists to view values for all of them

    • To resize the right window, select and drag the control at the bottom right:

      Screenshot: Control for resizing the picklist values window highlighted

      The resize feature is not supported by all browsers.

  4. In the right window, select the values you want to copy.
  5. Right click and select Copy.
  6. Paste the values into your template.