Uploading history data

Any data to be uploaded must be prepared in the correct format. Ideally, use the Sage People Template Generator to create the template files you use to hold the data you want to upload.

If you create your own template files, make sure that:

  • Each record includes the Unique Id (fHCM2__Unique_Id__c) field to uniquely identify the team member to which the record applies.

The procedure for uploading data for single objects (typically, history data) differs from that for team member, employment record, and salary data. You must upload current data before attempting to upload history data.

Ensure files containing history data do not contain current values as well. For example, a current salary loaded incorrectly as part of a salary history record would be stored against the same date as a current salary loaded correctly as part of an Employment record current data load, leading to duplication and potential confusion.

  • There are special requirements when loading data for some objects:

When your data file is ready:

  1. On the Data Loader Home page, select Individual Object:

    Screenshot: Selecting Individual Object from the Data Loader home page

    Sage People displays the Single Object Upload page:

    Screenshot: Details page for single object upload

  2. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description

    Object Type

    Picklist. The object you want to update with the data contained in the file.


    The file you want to upload. Select Browse... to find and choose the file.

    Make sure that the first field of every record in the file is the Unique Id of the Team Member to which the record applies.

    Import Type

    Picklist. Select the picklist and choose from:

    • Insert

      To add wholly new data to Sage People. Insert creates new records.

    • Update

      To modify existing records. Update adds data to existing records.

    Key Fields (update only)

    API field names. Enables you to selectively update records based on the content of one or more key fields when the data you want to change is for a field or fields that could apply to multiple records, such as start or end dates.

    Enter the API field names for the fields you want to act as key fields. There is no need to enter Unique ID or Record Type because these fields are assumed to be Key and are used by default.

    For example, to update the Deduction End Date for Benefit records where the Deduction Code is DC005, enter:


    as the key field. The template could include:

    fhcm2__unique_id__c,fhcm2__record_type__c,fHCM2__Deduction_Code__c, fHCM2__Deduction_End_Date__c

    and the upload file then contains records of the form:



    Picklist. The separator used between fields in the file. Select the picklist and choose from:

    • Comma

    • Tab

    • Pipe

    Date Format

    Picklist. The format used to represent dates in the file. Select the picklist and choose from:

    • dd/mm/yyyy

    • mm/dd/yyyy

    Dates must be consistently represented in either dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy format. Do not mix formats in a single file. The separator between date components is not important; you can use slash (/), stop (.), hyphen (-), or underscore (_). But the Data Loader expects to find dates represented in the form:

    <2 digits><separator><2 digits><separator><4 digits>

    ...and will fail to load the file if dates do not comply.

    Ignore Blanks

    Checkbox. To determine how blank fields in the upload file are treated. Checked by default.

    If checked, blank fields in the upload are ignored.

    If unchecked, blank fields in the upload file overwrite existing field content with blanks.

    Check Only

    Checkbox. To validate the data file before loading.

    If checked, the file is validated and not loaded. Use this setting to trap errors and fix the causes before attempting to load a file.

    If unchecked, the Data Loader attempts to load the file immediately after checking if no errors are found.

  3. Select Upload.

    Sage People attempts to read the file and lists the file headers and number of rows in the File Details section:

    Screenshot: File details for a single object upload

  4. In File Details, check:

    • The correct fields are listed.

    • The correct number of data records is displayed against Number of rows.

  5. If File Details confirms that the data file contains the data you want to load, select Import to upload the data. Otherwise, select Abort.

    When importing, Sage People displays the Data Load Detail page:

    Screenshot: Data load details for a single object import

    You can use the Data Load Detail page to:

    • Follow the progress of the data load - see Status.

    • View any errors generated as part of the data load process. The error list is loaded as a text file attachment in the Notes & Attachments related list, and also sent to the email address of the user running the upload.

    • Re-run the data load.

    Data Load Detail pages also provide a range of additional information and options for data loads.

  6. Open the email sent to the email address of the user running the upload.

    • If errors were identified when Import ran, they are listed in the email. Any errors result in an aborted upload - you must fix the cause of the errors and re-run the upload.

    • If you were running a Check Only upload and no errors were found, the email subject is No Errors and the email confirms Operation Complete and the number of rows identified in the file. You can now uncheck Check Only and re-run the upload.

    • If you were running an upload with Check Only not checked and no errors were found, the email subject is Complete and the email confirms Operation Complete and the number of records imported.