WX Process type default labels

When creating a new WX Process you must specify a Label and select a Process Type.

The Show Title in Detail checkbox on the WX Process page controls display of the Label on the Detail page for the Process. For some processes Show Title in Detail is selected by default and cannot be deselected, forcing display of the label you specify. For other processes you can uncheck Show Title in Detail so WX displays the default label for the Process Type at the top of the Detail View for the Process.

Process Type / Default Label Show Title in Detail can be unchecked
Async Reporting No
Auto Enrolment No
Bank Details No
Benefits Yes
Compensation Planning No
Competency Assessment Yes
Dependants Yes
Development Needs Yes
Education History Yes
Emergency Contacts Yes
Employment Details Yes
Forms Yes
HR Requests Yes
Hiring Manager No
Internal Communications Yes
Internal Portal No
Job Description Yes
Manager Notes Yes
Metrics Review Yes
My Applications No
Objectives Yes
Passports Yes
Payslips No
People Groups No
Performance Management No
Performance Overview No
Performance Review Yes
Personal Details Yes
Recognition Yes
Reporting No
Risk Mitigation No
Salary Planning Yes
Skills Yes
Stock Options Yes
Succession Plan Yes
Summary Yes
Talent Plan Yes
Targets Yes
Time Off No
Timesheet No
Training Yes
Work Details Yes
Work History Experience Yes
Workforce Insights No



For the Reporting process, for which Show Title In Detail cannot be unchecked, the default title displayed on the detail page is Reporting, not the contents of Label.

As a workaround, you can create a tab for the WX Process object, and then create a list view including the Show Title In Detail field. In the list view, you can check the Show Title In Detail checkbox, and save to make the value of the Label display in WX.

If you use this workaround, do it after completing all other settings for the process as editing the process details can clear the checkbox, which makes the process revert to the Reporting title.