Policy options: WX

Screenshot: Policy options in the WX section

Option Description
WX is Active

Checkbox. If checked, WX is active as the self-service interface for all Team Members allocated to this Policy.

Hide WX Title

Checkbox. If checked, the WX Title is not displayed for Team Members assigned to this Policy.

The default WX Title is defined using the Custom Label Collaboration_Portal_Title. The default value can be overridden by entering a title in WX Title on the Policy.

WX Logo

The Static Resource name of the logo file used for the version of WX controlled by this Policy. The logo replaces the default Sage People logo displayed in the title bar.

Hide Contact Details From Pre Boarders

Checkbox. If checked, the Contact Details displayed for each Team Member in the WX people search and Org Chart are hidden from all Team Members with Employment Status set to one of the values you have defined for Pre Boarders.

WX Title

Text. The name you want to display in the title bar for Team Members assigned to this Policy.

Annotated screenshot: WX title highlighted

Setting WX Title in the Policy overrides the default value set for the Custom Label Collaboration_Portal_Title.

WX Colour

A hexadecimal color code, preceded by hash (#), for example:


The color used as the base to drive the range of tints used for the version of WX controlled by this Policy. Overrides the generic base color defined in the HCM Configure page.

Hide Org Chart

Checkbox. If checked, the links enabling Org Chart display through WX are not displayed. If unchecked, WX displays a link to the Org Chart in the WX menu.

Hide Org Chart on the HCM Configure page overrides the Hide Org Chart setting on individual Policies; if Hide Org Chart is checked on the HCM Configure page, settings for Hide Org Chart on individual policies are ignored.

Updated WX Homepage

Enables a modernized look for processes displayed on the WX homepage and service pages. Enabling this policy setting makes the modernized homepage available for Team Members in this policy even if the organization-level setting is disabled. If the organization-level setting is enabled, this setting is ignored.

If a Team Member has a policy override, the setting in the Team Member’s policy is used in place of the setting in the policy assigned to the Team Member’s HR Department.

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